دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.

In this video we perform a full step by step build of a .NET MAUI App that we test on both Windows and Android. The app interacts with a separate .NET 6 API that we also build step by step.

Level: Beginner

⏲️ Time Codes ⏲️


- 0:48 Welcome
- 03:13 App demo
- 06:07 Course overview
- 09:14 Ingedients
- 10:10 What is .NET MAUI?
- 12:48 How MAUI works
- 15:14 MAUI project anatomy
- 19:47 MAUI App start up sequence
- 22:29 UI Conepts
- 28:21 XAML vs C#
- 30:29 Solution Architecture
- 31:41 Application Architecture

API Build

- 35:31 API Project Set up
- 42:41 API Model definition
- 44:47 API Db Context
- 47:13 Connection String
- 52:19 Migrations
- 56:31 API Read Endpoint
- 1:01:58 API Create Endpoint
- 1:08:15 API Update Endpoint
- 1:12:57 API Delete Endpoint

MAUI App Build

- 1:17:21 MAUI App Project Set up
- 1:21:00 Android Device Manager
- 1:25:08 MAUI Model definition
- 1:31:16 Data Service Interface
- 1:35:40 Data Service Implementation
- 1:47:27 Data Service Read Method
- 1:53:34 Data Service Create Method
- 1:58:48 Data Service Delete Method
- 2:01:53 Data Service Update Method
- 2:05:41 Android environment config
- 2:11:00 Architecture check point
- 2:11:54 Register MainPage for DI
- 2:14:13 MainPage code-behind
- 2:21:03 MainPage XAML Layout
- 2:30:19 Re-work MainPage layout
- 2:35:12 Add another page (ManagePage)
- 2:38:01 Adding a Route
- 2:30:01 Regiter ManagePage for DI
- 2:40:29 Complete MainPage code-behind
- 2:45:12 ManagePage code-behind
- 2:51:16 QueryProperty
- 2:57:34 ManagePage XMAL
- 3:07:56 Run on Windows
- 3:09:30 Re-work ManagePage layout
- 3:16:26 Using HttpClientFactory


- 3:21:02 Wrap up and thanks
- 3:21:31 Supporter Credits 

دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.
نظرات مطالب
ایجاد سرویس چندلایه‎ی WCF با Entity Framework در قالب پروژه - 9
فکر می‌کنم ایراد از تنظیمات IIS ویندوز باشه و ربطی به برنامه نویسی نداره
اول که IIS تنظیم می‌کردم این Error میداد

 HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the
extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, 
add a MIME map
 که کارهایی که در وبلاگ زیر گفته شده انجام دادم
الان پیغام زیر رو میده
 Server Error in '/MyNewService' Application.
Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
ممنون میشم اگه بتونی مشکل منو حل کنی
با تشکر
آینده‌ی Windows Phone

The latest round of layoffs in Microsoft’s Windows Phone business— 1,850 jobs will be cut, according to an announcement earlier this week—seems to signal the final death gasp of a segment of the company’s business that has long struggled. Windows phones currently make up less than one percent of smartphones sold worldwide. 

آینده‌ی Windows Phone
مصاحبه ای خواندنی با یکی از بنیانگذاران شرکت Telerik
نکات مهم از داخل متن:
Telerik introduced the Telerik Platform
In the European Union alone, income from the development of mobile applications is estimated at 17.5 billion euros for 2013, according to a report published by the European Commission
Three weeks after releasing the first version[Telerik Platform], it achieved over 61 thousand registrations. Eight thousand people joined the online presentation of the platform 
و در نهایت پارگراف آخر
مصاحبه ای خواندنی با یکی از بنیانگذاران شرکت Telerik