معماری های رایج برنامه های وب

Most traditional .NET applications are deployed as single units corresponding to an executable or a single web application running within a single IIS appdomain. This approach is the simplest deployment model and serves many internal and smaller public applications very well. However, even given this single unit of deployment, most non-trivial business applications benefit from some logical separation into several layers. 

معماری های رایج برنامه های وب
استفاده از کش توزیع شده در asp.net core

n general terms, caching takes place where the frequently-used data is stored, so that the application can quickly access the data rather than accessing the data from the source. Caching can improve the performance and scalability of the application dramatically and can help us to remove the unnecessary requests from the external data sources for the data that changes infrequently. 

استفاده از  کش  توزیع  شده  در   asp.net core
جزئیاتی درباره تغییرات NET Core 2.0.

It has only been about a year since .NET Core 1.0 RC came out. We are now getting close to .NET Core 2.0. We have been playing with .NET Core since the betas and feel like the quality of the 1.0 runtime was very good. Our only complaint has really been odd Visual Studio behavior. We would expect that with 2.0, the adoption of .NET Core is likely to skyrocket. 

جزئیاتی درباره تغییرات NET Core 2.0.
گردهمایی‌های مجازی توسعه دهنده‌ها

Virtual Events for Developers

While in-person conferences and events may be cancelled, there are still many online opportunities for you to stay connected. Browse the full list of virtual events to continue to grow your skills as a developer, contribute to interesting projects, and meet like-minded developers around the world.

گردهمایی‌های مجازی توسعه دهنده‌ها
آیا Null یک نوع داده‌ایی است؟

In C#, null has no type, but most variables can be null; you can't really trust the type system. A Maybe, on the other hand, always has a type, which means that Maybe is a saner approach to the question of values that may or may not be present. 

آیا Null یک نوع داده‌ایی است؟
آموزش ساخت اپلیکیشن های تجاری با WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First

آموزش عالی  برای کسانی که می‌خواهند WPF و الگوی MVVM و CODE FIRST رو باهم یاد بگیرند :

At the core of developing a data-driven WPF application is a thorough knowledge of how to use the MVVM Pattern and Entity Framework. In this course, Building an Enterprise App with WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First, you will learn the skills you need to create high-quality enterprise applications with WPF. First, you'll learn about typical scenarios like communicating between different ViewModels, detecting model changes, and handling many-to-many relations. Next, you'll learn all about creating a tabbed user interface. Finally, you'll explore implementing optimistic concurrency and styling your application. When you're finished with this course, you will have a deep understanding of WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework that will help you immensely as you move forward and create your own data-driven enterprise application

آموزش ساخت اپلیکیشن های تجاری با  WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First
نگارش نهایی SQL Server 2016 منتشر شد

Today we announced the general availability of SQL Server 2016, the world’s fastest and most price-performant database for HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing) with updateable, in-memory columnstores and advanced analytics through deep integration with R Services. Software applications can now deploy sophisticated analytics and machine learning models in the database resulting in 100x or more speedup in time to insight, compared to deployments of such models outside of the database. 

نگارش نهایی SQL Server 2016 منتشر شد