انواع driver شبکه و موارد استفاده آن در docker

Bridge Network Driver

The bridge networking driver is the first driver on our list. It’s simple to understand, simple to use, and simple to troubleshoot, which makes it a good networking choice for developers and those new to Docker. The bridge driver creates a private network internal to the host so containers on this network can communicate. External access is granted by exposing ports to containers. Docker secures the network by managing rules that block connectivity between different Docker networks. 

Overlay Network Driver

The built-in Docker overlay network driver radically simplifies many of the complexities in multi-host networking. It is a swarm scope driver, which means that it operates across an entire Swarm or UCP cluster rather than individual hosts. With the overlay driver, multi-host networks are first-class citizens inside Docker without external provisioning or components. IPAM, service discovery, multi-host connectivity, encryption, and load balancing are built right in. For control, the overlay driver uses the encrypted Swarm control plane to manage large scale clusters at low convergence times. 


The macvlan driver is the newest built-in network driver and offers several unique characteristics. It’s a very lightweight driver, because rather than using any Linux bridging or port mapping, it connects container interfaces directly to host interfaces. Containers are addressed with routable IP addresses that are on the subnet of the external network.

As a result of routable IP addresses, containers communicate directly with resources that exist outside a Swarm cluster without the use of NAT and port mapping. This can aid in network visibility and troubleshooting. Additionally, the direct traffic path between containers and the host interface helps reduce latency. macvlan is a local scope network driver which is configured per-host. As a result, there are stricter dependencies between MACVLAN and external networks, which is both a constraint and an advantage that is different from overlay or bridge. 

انواع driver شبکه و موارد استفاده آن در docker
10 مثال از C# Refactoring

Though many easy-to-use resources are available to help with refactoring, you may not know about them. Check out these 10 tips to help you with efficient refactoring. 

10 مثال از C# Refactoring
کتابخانه 101

1) 101 will be maintained to minimize overlap with vanilla JS.

  • 101 utils are made to work well with vanilla JS methods.
  • 101 will only duplicate vanilla JS to provide functional programming paradigms or if the method is not available in a widely supported JS version (currently ES5).
  • Underscore/lodash - duplicates a lot of ES5: forEach, map, reduce, filter, sort, and more.

2) No need for custom builds.

  • With 101, import naturally, and what you use will be bundled.
  • Each util method is a module that can be required require('101/<util>').
  • Currently node/browserify is supported, I will add other module system support on request.
  • Underscore/lodash is large, and you have to manually create custom builds when if you're trying to optimize for size. 
کتابخانه 101
Entity Signal یا Entity Framework بلادرنگ

Entity Signal allows you to connect to Entity Framework through SignalR and get updates on subscribed data in real time. This lowers the number of refreshes done by the user and ultimatly allows you to do more with fewer servers. It is also requires minimal changes, so you can make realtime apps about as easily as you can make standard apps.  

Entity Signal یا Entity Framework بلادرنگ
نظرات مطالب
کار با کلیدهای اصلی و خارجی در EF Code first
من 3تا جدول زیر رو در بانک ساختم :

و کلاسها به صورت زیر تعریف کردم:
 public class Tb1 
        public Tb1()
            ListTb2 = new List<Tb2>();
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string NameTb1 { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Tb2> ListTb2 { get; set; }
    public class Tb2 
        public Tb2()
            ListTb1 = new List<Tb1>();
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string NameTb2 { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Tb1> ListTb1 { get; set; }
و همینطور mapping :
    public class Tb1Map : EntityTypeConfiguration<Tb1>
        public Tb1Map()
            this.HasKey(x => x.Id);

            this.HasMany(x => x.ListTb2)
                .WithMany(xx => xx.ListTb1)
                    x =>


    public class Tb2Map : EntityTypeConfiguration<Tb2>
        public Tb2Map()
            this.HasKey(x => x.Id);
موقعی که در برنامه به صورت زیر استفاده می‌کنم:
            var sv1 = new TableService<Tb1>(_uow);
            var sv2 = new TableService<Tb2>(_uow);

            var t1 = new Tb1 { NameTb1 = "T111" };
            //var res1= _uow.SaveChanges();
            var t2 = new Tb2 { NameTb2 = "T222" };
            //var res2 = _uow.SaveChanges();

            var result = _uow.SaveChanges();
 هنگام SaveChanges این خطا رو می‌ده: 
An error occurred while saving entities that do not expose foreign key properties for their relationships. The EntityEntries property will return null because a single entity cannot be identified as the source of the exception. Handling of exceptions while saving can be made easier by exposing foreign key properties in your entity types. See the InnerException for details.
همراه با innerException زیر:
{"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint \"FK_Tb1Tb2_Tb2\". The conflict occurred in database \"dbTest\", table \"dbo.Tb2\", column 'Id'.\r\nThe statement has been terminated."}
در واقع همینطور که مشخصه من می‌خوام اون جدول رابطه رو در codeFirst حذف کنم یجورایی و رابطه رو بین 2 جدول اصلی بیارم. کجای کارم اشتباهه؟ و راهکارش چیه؟
من با پروفایلر هم نگاه کردم همه چی تا آخر داره پیش می‌ره!
(آیا ForeignKey رو باید طور دیگه ای تعریف کنم؟) 
با تشکر
یافتن ارجاعات اضافی در پروژه‌ها به کمک ReferenceTrimmer

Easily identify which C# dependencies can be removed from an MSBuild project, and expose MSVC output to show unused libraries and delay-load DLLs at link time. Removing project dependencies flattens your build dependency graph which can improve build parallelism and reduce end-to-end build time. 

یافتن ارجاعات اضافی در پروژه‌ها به کمک ReferenceTrimmer
چگونه با SQL Server 2017 بکاپهای سریعتری بگیریم

Indirect Checkpoints is not just about predictable recovery, it enables SQL Server to scale and run faster 

In SQL Server 2012, indirect checkpoint was first introduced in SQL Server and it was made a default algorithm for all new databases starting SQL Server 2016. 
چگونه با SQL Server 2017 بکاپهای سریعتری بگیریم