تغییرات SQL Server 2022

SQL Server 2022 is on its way and there are a lot of new features that could be of interest. Check out this summary of new features and things to investigate. 

تغییرات SQL Server 2022
سایتی برای پادکست های سخت افزاری

Hanselminutes and CodeNewbie are teaming up to produce two episodes a week for the month of March, featuring incredible makers in the hardware space.
There will be new content every weekday in March, so subscribe and join us daily.  

سایتی برای پادکست های سخت افزاری
در چه شرایطی از برنامه نویسی ناهمزمان استفاده کنیم ؟

:When to use Async/Await

There are basically two scenarios where Async/Await is the right solution
I/O-bound work: Your code will be waiting for something, such as data from a database, reading a file, a call to a web service. In this case you should use Async/Await, but not use the .Task Parallel Library
CPU-bound work: Your code will be performing a complex computation. In this case, you should use Async/Await but spawn the work off on another thread using Task.Run. You may .also consider using the Task Parallel Library

در چه شرایطی از برنامه نویسی ناهمزمان استفاده کنیم ؟
تامین هویت مرکزی به کمک keycloak در برنامه‌های Web API
.NET Web API with Keycloak

In this article, we will explore the advantages of using Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution. With Keycloak, you can easily add authentication and authorization to your applications, benefiting from the robustness of a proven system instead of building your own. This allows you to avoid the complexities and security challenges of managing application access control on your own.
تامین هویت مرکزی به کمک keycloak در برنامه‌های Web API
پیاده سازی یک پروژه مدیریت رزومه‌ها با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI

Resume Management project with React18, ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI, TypeScript and Entity Framework Core
In this video, we will create a Fullstack Resume Management project using React18, ASP.NET Core WebAPI  (.NET 7),TypeScript and Entity Framework Core. The focus of this project is to show you how you can build a Fullstack project from 0 to 100 and build a simple CRUD application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI .

پیاده سازی یک پروژه مدیریت رزومه‌ها با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI
پیاده سازی یک پروژه با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI

Pet Store Fullstack project with React18, ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI, TypeScript and Entity Framework Core
In this video, we will create a Fullstack Pet Store project using React18, ASP.NET Core WebAPI  (.NET 7),TypeScript and Entity Framework Core. The focus of this project is to show you how you can build a Fullstack project from 0 to 100 and build a simple CRUD application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI . 

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests

The gist of the story goes as follow:

  1. The most popular languages are JavaScript/TypeScript and Python with roughly 20% of all pull requests each. In effect, if you put JavaScript/TypeScript and Python together, you get about 40% of all pull requests.
  2. Then you get the second tier languages: Java and Scala, C/C++, and Go. They all are in the 10% to 15% range.
  3. Finally, you have PHP, Ruby and C# that all manage to get about 5% of all pull requests.
  4. Other languages are typically far below 5%. 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests
سری کار با IdentityServer 5

- Creating an IdentityServer 5 Project
- Adding JWT Bearer Authentication to an ASP.NET Core 5 API
- Adding Policy-Based Authorisation to an ASP.NET Core 5 API
- Authenticating a .NET 5 Console Application using IdentityServer 5
- Adding API Resources to IdentityServer 5
- Containerising a PostgreSQL 13 Database
- Adding Entity Framework Core 5 to IdentityServer 5
- Adding an OAuth 2.0 Security Scheme to an ASP.NET Core 5 API
- Adding ASP.NET Core 5 Identity to IdentityServer 5
- Seeding an ASP.NET Core 5 Identity Database with Users
- Authenticating an ASP.NET Core 5 Web Application using IdentityServer 5
- Authenticating an Angular 11 Single-Page Application using IdentityServer 5
- Authenticating a Flutter Android Application using IdentityServer 5
- Containerising an IdentityServer 5 Project
- Containerising an IdentityServer 5 Project with API Resources and Clients

سری کار با IdentityServer 5