Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 4 منتشر شد
// Configure database precision/scale in model
    .Property(b => b.Numeric)
    .HasPrecision(16, 4);

// Specify SQL Server index fill factor
    .HasIndex(e => e.Name)
Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 4 منتشر شد
NET 5.0 Preview 3. منتشر شد

Today, we’re releasing .NET 5.0 Preview 3. It contains a set of new features and performance improvements. We’re continuing to work on the bigger features that will define the 5.0 release. 

NET 5.0 Preview 3. منتشر شد
Entity Framework Core 2.1 RC 1 منتشر شد

The main new features are:

  • GroupBy translation
  • Lazy loading
  • Parameters in entity constructors
  • Value conversion
  • Query types
  • Data seeding
  • System.Transactions support 
Entity Framework Core 2.1 RC 1 منتشر شد