دوره‌ی GitHub Actions

A beginner-friendly, and free, course to help you take your first steps as a DevOps engineer is available as a series of YouTube videos. 

دوره‌ی GitHub Actions
استفاده از MongoDB .NET Driver با NET Core Web API.

Source could be also accessed from GitHub -> https://github.com/fpetru/WebApiMongoDB.

Problem / solution format brings an easier understanding on how to build things, giving an immediate feedback. Starting from this idea, the blog post will present step by step how to build

a web application to store your ideas in an easy way, adding text notes, either from desktop or mobile, with few characteristics: run fast, save on the fly whatever you write, and be reasonably reliable and secure.

This blog post will implement just the backend, WebApi and the database access, in the most simple way. Next blog post will cover the front end, using Angular. Then, there will be an additional article on how to increase the performance and the security. 

استفاده از MongoDB .NET Driver با NET Core Web API.
بهبودهای EF Core 2.1 در زمینه پشتیبانی از DDD

Entity Framework half-heartedly supported Domain-Driven Design patterns. But the new-from-scratch EF Core has brought new hope for developers to map your well-designed domain classes to a database, reducing the cases where a separate data model is needed. EF Core 2.1 is very DDD friendly, even supporting things like fully encapsulated collections, backing fields and the return of support for value objects. In this session, we'll review some well-designed aggregates and explore how far EF Core 2.1 goes to act as the mapper between your domain classes and your data store. 

بهبودهای EF Core 2.1 در زمینه پشتیبانی از DDD
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
مشکل با نوشتن تابع تجمعی سفارشی(از طریق پیاده سازی IAggregateFunction)
با سلام؛ ضمن تشکر از اینکه تجربیاتتون رو رایگان در اختیار بقیه قرار می‌دید، به شخصه خیلی استفاده کردم.
سوالی داشتم در رابطه با پیاده سازی اینترفیس IAggregateFunction  
من میخوام یه گزارش بنویسم که تو اون ستون آخرش میخواد مانده تجمعی را حساب کنه.
بنابراین میخواستم با پیاده سازی این اینترفیس و همچنین بازنویسی متد ProcessingBoundary آخرین مقدار رو به عنوان خروجی تابع تجمعی ارسال کنم.
public object ProcessingBoundary(IList<SummaryCellData> columnCellsSummaryData)
            if (columnCellsSummaryData == null || !columnCellsSummaryData.Any()) return 0;

            var list = columnCellsSummaryData;
            var lastItem = list.Last();

            return lastItem.CellData.PropertyValue;

در پروژه‌ی دیگه ای این اینترفیس رو پیاده سازی کردم و مشکلی نبود ولی در پروژه جاری
که پروژه ایست با مشخصات:
نوع پروژه : WPF with MVVM
از Prism و Unity هم برای ماژولار شدن استفاده کردم.
خطای زیر رو میده : 
Method 'set_DisplayFormatFormula' in type 'Hezareh.Modules.Accounting.Reporting.ViewModels.MySampleAggregateFunction' from assembly 'Hezareh.Modules.Accounting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.
در صورتی که اینترفیس IAggregateFunction به صورت کامل توسط کلاس  MySampleAggregateFunction پیاده سازی شده است و این هم کد کامل کلاس که همون کد مثال Sum خودتونه، که فقط تابع  ProcessingBoundary رو تغییر دادم. این هم کد کاملش :
 public class MySampleAggregateFunction : IAggregateFunction
        public MySampleAggregateFunction()


        /// <summary>
        /// Fires before rendering of this cell.
        /// Now you have time to manipulate the received object and apply your custom formatting function.
        /// It can be null.
        /// </summary>
        public Func<object, string> DisplayFormatFormula { set; get; }

        #region Fields (6)

        double _groupAvg;
        long _groupRowNumber;
        double _groupSum;
        double _overallAvg;
        long _overallRowNumber;
        double _overallSum;

        #endregion Fields

        #region Properties (2)

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns current groups' aggregate value.
        /// </summary>
        public object GroupValue
            get { return _groupAvg; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns current row's aggregate value without considering the presence of the groups.
        /// </summary>
        public object OverallValue
            get { return _overallAvg; }

        #endregion Properties

        #region Methods (4)

        // Public Methods (1) 

        /// <summary>
        /// Fires after adding a cell to the main table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellDataValue">Current cell's data</param>
        /// <param name="isNewGroupStarted">Indicated starting a new group</param>
        public void CellAdded(object cellDataValue, bool isNewGroupStarted)


            double cellValue;
            if (double.TryParse(cellDataValue.ToSafeString(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cellValue))
        // Private Methods (3) 

        private void checkNewGroupStarted(bool newGroupStarted)
            if (newGroupStarted)
                _groupRowNumber = 0;
                _groupAvg = 0;
                _groupSum = 0;

        private void groupAvg(double cellValue)
            _groupSum += cellValue;
            _groupAvg = _groupSum / _groupRowNumber;

        private void overallAvg(double cellValue)
            _overallSum += cellValue;
            _overallAvg = _overallSum / _overallRowNumber;

        /// <summary>
        /// A general method which takes a list of data and calculates its corresponding aggregate value.
        /// It will be used to calculate the aggregate value of each pages individually, with considering the previous pages data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnCellsSummaryData">List of data</param>
        /// <returns>Aggregate value</returns>
        public object ProcessingBoundary(IList<SummaryCellData> columnCellsSummaryData)
            if (columnCellsSummaryData == null || !columnCellsSummaryData.Any()) return 0;

            var list = columnCellsSummaryData;
            var lastItem = list.Last();

            return lastItem.CellData.PropertyValue;

        #endregion Methods

و همچنین این هم تنظیمات ستونی که از این تابع تجمعی میخوام استفاده کنم.
columns.AddColumn(column =>
                    column.PropertyName<VoucherRowPrintViewModel>(x => x.CaclulatedRemains);
                    column.ColumnItemsTemplate(template =>
                        template.DisplayFormatFormula(obj => obj == null ? string.Empty : string.Format("{0:n0}", obj));
                    column.AggregateFunction(aggregateFunction =>
                        aggregateFunction.CustomAggregateFunction(new MySampleAggregateFunction());
                        aggregateFunction.DisplayFormatFormula(obj => obj == null ? string.Empty : string.Format("{0:n0}", obj));
ممنون میشم در صورت امکان کمکم کنید.
کار با HubContext در ASP.NET Core SignalR

In this section, I’m going to cover how you can use SignalR outside of a Hub. In most asp.net core applications, you will likely want to communicate with the connect clients from within your application but outside of a Hub. You can accomplish this by using the HubContext.

For example, an ASP.NET Core MVC Controller or any other class that is instantiated by ASP.NET Core’s Dependency Injection.

The HubContext allows you to send messages to your connected clients. It has many of the same features to communicate with clients as when you are inside of a Hub.  

کار با HubContext در ASP.NET Core SignalR