مدرسه هوش مصنوعی

Dive in and learn how to start building intelligence into your solutions with the Microsoft AI platform, including pre-trained AI services like Cognitive Services and Bot Framework, as well as deep learning tools like Azure Machine Learning, Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, and Cognitive Toolkit. Our platform enables any developer to code in any language and infuse AI into your apps. Whether your solutions are existing or new, this is the intelligence platform to build on.  

مدرسه هوش مصنوعی
باید از View Componentها به جای Partial Viewها در ASP.NET Core استفاده کنید

Why use View Components and not Partial Views? The biggest reason is that when inserting a Partial View into a Razor page, all the ViewData associated with the calling View is automatically associated with the Partial View. This means that a Partial View may behave very differently on one Razor page than on another. With View Components, you control what gets shared to your View Components. 

باید از View Componentها به جای Partial Viewها در ASP.NET Core استفاده کنید
ایجاد Responsive jQuery Pop-Up Gallery
in this tutorial you will lean how to create a an awesome popup gallery. Each gallery will have a small preview animation. This tutorial will provide you with five different popup galleries. All the main animations are done using CSS transitions. I would of liked to build the entire thing using CSS only but unfortunately this was a pretty complex gallery so i had to use some JavaScript.  Demo
ایجاد Responsive jQuery Pop-Up Gallery
معرفی قابلیت Hot Restart زامارین

توسط این قابلیت در برنامه‌های زاماین، تغییرات کد، رفرنس ها، فایل‌ها و... نیاز به کامپایل کامل و مجدد نداشته و تغییرات را سریع‌تر اعمال کرده و برنامه را ریستارت می‌کند.

Today at .NET Conf 2019, we announced Xamarin Hot Restart which enables you to test changes made to your app, including multi-file code edits, resources, and references, using a much faster build and deploy cycle.

XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms already provides fast iteration on XAML UIs by enabling you to see changes applied live in your running application. But what about other types of code and project edits? Xamarin Hot Restart will apply these types of changes to your application and quickly restart your app for rapid application development.  

معرفی قابلیت Hot Restart زامارین
10 نکته و ترفند ویژوال استودیو که احتمالاً نمی دانید

In this video, I show ten extremely useful Visual Studio features: - Enhanced Clipboard - Run To Cursor Debugging - Tracking Active Solution Explorer Item - Fast File Navigation - Tabs - Previewing and Pinning - Code Cleanup Configuration - Vertical Selection - Better Git Pull - Improved Performance On Load - Special Pasting 

10 نکته و ترفند ویژوال استودیو که احتمالاً نمی دانید