تهیه پردازنده‌های سفارشی برای HTMLWorker کتابخانه iTextSharp
«تبدیل HTML به PDF با استفاده از کتابخانه‌ی iTextSharp»

هرچند کلاس HTMLWorker دیگر توسعه نخواهد یافت (با کتابخانه XML Worker جایگزین شده‌است)، اما برای تبدیل یک سری از کارهای ابتدایی بسیار مناسب است. در این بین اگر تگ خاصی توسط کلاس HTMLWorker پشتیبانی نشود یا پیاده سازی آن ناقص باشد، امکان جایگزین کردن کامل آن با پیاده سازی اینترفیس IHTMLTagProcessor وجود دارد. در کدهای ذیل نحوه جایگزین کردن پردازش کننده تصاویر آن‌را ملاحظه می‌کنید. در اینجا پشتیبانی از تصاویر base64 مدفون شده در صفحات html به آن اضافه شده است:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.html;
using iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;

namespace CustomHtmlWorkerTag
    /// <summary>
    /// Our custom HTML Tag to add an IElement.
    /// </summary>
    public class CustomImageHTMLTagProcessor : IHTMLTagProcessor
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells the HTMLWorker what to do when a close tag is encountered.
        /// </summary>
        public void EndElement(HTMLWorker worker, string tag)

        /// <summary>
        /// Tells the HTMLWorker what to do when an open tag is encountered.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartElement(HTMLWorker worker, string tag, IDictionary<string, string> attrs)
            Image image;
            var src = attrs["src"];

            if (src.StartsWith("data:image/"))
                // data:[<MIME-type>][;charset=<encoding>][;base64],<data>
                var base64Data = src.Substring(src.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                var imagedata = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data);
                image = Image.GetInstance(imagedata);
                image = Image.GetInstance(src);

            worker.UpdateChain(tag, attrs);
            worker.ProcessImage(image, attrs);

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4))
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, new FileStream("Test.pdf", FileMode.Create));


                var tags = new HTMLTagProcessors();
                // Replace the built-in image processor
                tags[HtmlTags.IMG] = new CustomImageHTMLTagProcessor();

                var html = "<img alt='' src='' />";

                var styles = new StyleSheet();
                styles.LoadTagStyle(HtmlTags.BODY, HtmlTags.FONTFAMILY, "tahoma");
                styles.LoadTagStyle(HtmlTags.BODY, HtmlTags.ENCODING, "Identity-H");

                PdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell { Border = 0 };
                pdfCell.RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR;

                using (var reader = new StringReader(html))
                    var parsedHtmlElements = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(reader, styles, tags, null);

                    foreach (var htmlElement in parsedHtmlElements)

                var table1 = new PdfPTable(1);

همانطور که ملاحظه می‌کنید، پس از پیاده سازی اینترفیس IHTMLTagProcessor و تهیه یک پردازش کننده جدید که اینبار می‌تواند تصاویر شروع شده با data:image را مورد استفاده قرار دهد، برای معرفی آن به کتابخانه HTMLWorker فقط کافی است وهله‌ای از HTMLTagProcessors موجود را ایجاد نمائیم و سپس در این Dictionary، نمونه قدیمی را جایگزین کنیم:
var tags = new HTMLTagProcessors();
// Replace the built-in image processor
tags[HtmlTags.IMG] = new CustomImageHTMLTagProcessor();
در ادامه فقط کافی است لیست جدید پردازنده‌ها را به متد ParseToList ارسال نمائیم تا مورد استفاده قرار گیرد:
HTMLWorker.ParseToList(reader, styles, tags, null)

کتابخانه unitegallery

The Unite Gallery is multipurpose javascript gallery based on jquery library. It's built with a modular technique with a lot of accent of ease of use and customization. It's very easy to customize the gallery, changing it's skin via css, and even writing your own theme. Yet this gallery is very powerfull, fast and has the most of nowdays must have features like responsiveness, touch enabled and even zoom feature, it's unique effect.  Demo


  • The gallery plays VIDEO from: Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5, Wistia and SoundCloud (not a video but still )
  • Responsive - fits to every screen with automatic ratio preserve
  • Touch Enabled - Every gallery parts can be controlled by the touch on touch enabled devices
  • Responsive - The gallery can fit every screen size, and can respond to a screen size change.
  • Skinnable - Allow to change skin with ease in different css file without touching main gallery css.
  • Themable - The gallery has various of themes, each theme has it's own options and features, but it uses gallery core objects
  • Zoom Effect - The gallery has unique zoom effect that could be applied within buttons, mouse wheel or pinch gesture on touch - enabled devices
  • Gallery Buttons - The gallery has buttons on it, like full screen or play/pause that optimized for touch devidces access
  • Keyboard controls - The gallery could be controlled by keyboard (left, right arrows)
  • Tons of options. The gallery has huge amount of options for every gallery object that make the customization process easy and fun.
  • Powerfull API - using the gallery API you can integrate the gallery into your website behaviour and use it with another items like lightboxes etc.
کتابخانه unitegallery
استفاده از GoogleMaps در Android (پایه)
Without a doubt, maps are one of the most useful tools for users when included in an app. This tutorial is the first in a series going over Google Maps v2 for Android. It will cover setting up the Google Maps API through the Google Developer Console, including a map fragment in your applications, displaying the user's location, adding markers, drawing on the map, and some general methods that will add utility to your app.
Intermediate  & Advanced
استفاده از GoogleMaps در Android (پایه)
به ویژوال استودیو 2022 خوش آمدید - توسط Scott Hanselman و دوستان

Want to learn about the latest and greatest in the 64-bit Visual Studio 2022? Join Scott Hanselman and Visual Studio product team as they take Visual Studio 2022 for a spin.

00:00 Intro 
00:39 Why you should care about Visual Studio 2022? 
02:20 Performance improvements in Visual Studio 2022 
04:39 Why 64-bit now? 
08:00 IntelliCode, type less code more 
11:35 Hot reload for C++ 
13:47 New for WPF and WinForms (Hot Reload, Design time data, XAML
17:20 Hot Reload in ASP.NET 

20:27 Profiling .NET apps in Visual Studio 2022 

23:19 Cross platform apps with WSL and CMake in Visual Studio 2022 

26:07 Testing your .NET app on Linux 

28:00 Easily create CI/CD pipelines using GitHub actions with Visual Studio  2022

30:40 Balloon drop! 

به ویژوال استودیو 2022 خوش آمدید - توسط Scott Hanselman و دوستان
تست جوئل برای برنامه نویس‌ها

The Joel Test is great for software development shops and for programmers that are interested in quickly evaluating a company’s software development environment, but what about a Joel Test for actual programmers? 

تست جوئل برای برنامه نویس‌ها
یادگیری AngularJs با codecademy

Learn to build web apps using AngularJS 1.x. By the end of the course, you'll be able to use AngularJS to create your own apps. 

یادگیری AngularJs با codecademy
نمایش لیست کشورها به همراه پرچم آنها به صورت dropdown با استفاده از select2
بعد از دانلود و افزودن  select2 ، برای پرچم‌ها سراغ semantic-ui  می‌رویم و بعد از دانلود آن، فایل flag.min.css در آدرس Semantic-Ui/components/flag.min.css را به پروژه اضافه می‌کنیم.
        <select ></select>

 $(document).ready(function () {

                data: [
                    { id: "al", text: "Albania" },
                    { id: "dz", text: "Algeria" },
                    { id: "as", text: "American Samoa" },
                    { id: "ad", text: "Andorra" },
                    { id: "ao", text: "Angola" },
                    { id: "ai", text: "Anguilla" },
                    { id: "ag", text: "Antigua" },
                    { id: "ar", text: "Argentina" },
                    { id: "am", text: "Armenia" },
                    { id: "aw", text: "Aruba" },
                    { id: "au", text: "Australia" },
                    { id: "at", text: "Austria" },
                    { id: "az", text: "Azerbaijan" },
                    { id: "bs", text: "Bahamas" },
                    { id: "bh", text: "Bahrain" },
                    { id: "bd", text: "Bangladesh" },
                    { id: "bb", text: "Barbados" },
                    { id: "by", text: "Belarus" },
                    { id: "be", text: "Belgium" },
                    { id: "bz", text: "Belize" },
                    { id: "bj", text: "Benin" },
                    { id: "bm", text: "Bermuda" },
                    { id: "bt", text: "Bhutan" },
                    { id: "bo", text: "Bolivia" },
                    { id: "ba", text: "Bosnia" },
                    { id: "bw", text: "Botswana" },
                    { id: "bv", text: "Bouvet Island" },
                    { id: "br", text: "Brazil" },
                    { id: "vg", text: "British Virgin Islands" },
                    { id: "bn", text: "Brunei" },
                    { id: "bg", text: "Bulgaria" },
                    { id: "bf", text: "Burkina Faso" },
                    { id: "mm", text: "Burma" },
                    { id: "bi", text: "Burundi" },
                    { id: "tc", text: "Caicos Islands" },
                    { id: "kh", text: "Cambodia" },
                    { id: "cm", text: "Cameroon" },
                    { id: "ca", text: "Canada" },
                    { id: "cv", text: "Cape Verde" },
                    { id: "ky", text: "Cayman Islands" },
                    { id: "cf", text: "Central African Republic" },
                    { id: "td", text: "Chad" },
                    { id: "cl", text: "Chile" },
                    { id: "cn", text: "China" },
                    { id: "cx", text: "Christmas Island" },
                    { id: "cc", text: "Cocos Islands" },
                    { id: "co", text: "Colombia" },
                    { id: "km", text: "Comoros" },
                    { id: "cg", text: "Congo Brazzaville" },
                    { id: "cd", text: "Congo" },
                    { id: "ck", text: "Cook Islands" },
                    { id: "cr", text: "Costa Rica" },
                    { id: "ci", text: "Cote Divoire" },
                    { id: "hr", text: "Croatia" },
                    { id: "cu", text: "Cuba" },
                    { id: "cy", text: "Cyprus" },
                    { id: "cz", text: "Czech Republic" },
                    { id: "dk", text: "Denmark" },
                    { id: "dj", text: "Djibouti" },
                    { id: "dm", text: "Dominica" },
                    { id: "do", text: "Dominican Republic" },
                    { id: "ec", text: "Ecuador" },
                    { id: "eg", text: "Egypt" },
                    { id: "sv", text: "El Salvador" },
                    { id: "gb", text: "England" },
                    { id: "gq", text: "Equatorial Guinea" },
                    { id: "er", text: "Eritrea" },
                    { id: "ee", text: "Estonia" },
                    { id: "et", text: "Ethiopia" },
                    { id: "eu", text: "European Union" },
                    { id: "fk", text: "Falkland Islands" },
                    { id: "fo", text: "Faroe Islands" },
                    { id: "fj", text: "Fiji" },
                    { id: "fi", text: "Finland" },
                    { id: "fr", text: "France" },
                    { id: "gf", text: "French Guiana" },
                    { id: "pf", text: "French Polynesia" },
                    { id: "tf", text: "French Territories" },
                    { id: "ga", text: "Gabon" },
                    { id: "gm", text: "Gambia" },
                    { id: "ge", text: "Georgia" },
                    { id: "de", text: "Germany" },
                    { id: "gh", text: "Ghana" },
                    { id: "gi", text: "Gibraltar" },
                    { id: "gr", text: "Greece" },
                    { id: "gl", text: "Greenland" },
                    { id: "gd", text: "Grenada" },
                    { id: "gp", text: "Guadeloupe" },
                    { id: "gu", text: "Guam" },
                    { id: "gt", text: "Guatemala" },
                    { id: "gw", text: "Guinea-Bissau" },
                    { id: "gn", text: "Guinea" },
                    { id: "gy", text: "Guyana" },
                    { id: "ht", text: "Haiti" },
                    { id: "hm", text: "Heard Island" },
                    { id: "hn", text: "Honduras" },
                    { id: "hk", text: "Hong Kong" },
                    { id: "hu", text: "Hungary" },
                    { id: "is", text: "Iceland" },
                    { id: "in", text: "India" },
                    { id: "io", text: "Indian Ocean Territory" },
                    { id: "id", text: "Indonesia" },
                    { id: "ir", text: "Iran" },
                    { id: "iq", text: "Iraq" },
                    { id: "ie", text: "Ireland" },
                    { id: "il", text: "Israel" },
                    { id: "it", text: "Italy" },
                    { id: "jm", text: "Jamaica" },
                    { id: "jp", text: "Japan" },
                    { id: "jo", text: "Jordan" },
                    { id: "kz", text: "Kazakhstan" },
                    { id: "ke", text: "Kenya" },
                    { id: "ki", text: "Kiribati" },
                    { id: "kw", text: "Kuwait" },
                    { id: "kg", text: "Kyrgyzstan" },
                    { id: "la", text: "Laos" },
                    { id: "lv", text: "Latvia" },
                    { id: "lb", text: "Lebanon" },
                    { id: "ls", text: "Lesotho" },
                    { id: "lr", text: "Liberia" },
                    { id: "ly", text: "Libya" },
                    { id: "li", text: "Liechtenstein" },
                    { id: "lt", text: "Lithuania" },
                    { id: "lu", text: "Luxembourg" },
                    { id: "mo", text: "Macau" },
                    { id: "mk", text: "Macedonia" },
                    { id: "mg", text: "Madagascar" },
                    { id: "mw", text: "Malawi" },
                    { id: "my", text: "Malaysia" },
                    { id: "mv", text: "Maldives" },
                    { id: "ml", text: "Mali" },
                    { id: "mt", text: "Malta" },
                    { id: "mh", text: "Marshall Islands" },
                    { id: "mq", text: "Martinique" },
                    { id: "mr", text: "Mauritania" },
                    { id: "mu", text: "Mauritius" },
                    { id: "yt", text: "Mayotte" },
                    { id: "mx", text: "Mexico" },
                    { id: "fm", text: "Micronesia" },
                    { id: "md", text: "Moldova" },
                    { id: "mc", text: "Monaco" },
                    { id: "mn", text: "Mongolia" },
                    { id: "me", text: "Montenegro" },
                    { id: "ms", text: "Montserrat" },
                    { id: "ma", text: "Morocco" },
                    { id: "mz", text: "Mozambique" },
                    { id: "na", text: "Namibia" },
                    { id: "nr", text: "Nauru" },
                    { id: "np", text: "Nepal" },
                    { id: "an", text: "Netherlands Antilles" },
                    { id: "nl", text: "Netherlands" },
                    { id: "nc", text: "New Caledonia" },
                    { id: "pg", text: "New Guinea" },
                    { id: "nz", text: "New Zealand" },
                    { id: "ni", text: "Nicaragua" },
                    { id: "ne", text: "Niger" },
                    { id: "ng", text: "Nigeria" },
                    { id: "nu", text: "Niue" },
                    { id: "nf", text: "Norfolk Island" },
                    { id: "kp", text: "North Korea" },
                    { id: "mp", text: "Northern Mariana Islands" },
                    { id: "no", text: "Norway" },
                    { id: "om", text: "Oman" },
                    { id: "pk", text: "Pakistan" },
                    { id: "pw", text: "Palau" },
                    { id: "ps", text: "Palestine" },
                    { id: "pa", text: "Panama" },
                    { id: "py", text: "Paraguay" },
                    { id: "pe", text: "Peru" },
                    { id: "ph", text: "Philippines" },
                    { id: "pn", text: "Pitcairn Islands" },
                    { id: "pl", text: "Poland" },
                    { id: "pt", text: "Portugal" },
                    { id: "pr", text: "Puerto Rico" },
                    { id: "qa", text: "Qatar" },
                    { id: "re", text: "Reunion" },
                    { id: "ro", text: "Romania" },
                    { id: "ru", text: "Russia" },
                    { id: "rw", text: "Rwanda" },
                    { id: "sh", text: "Saint Helena" },
                    { id: "kn", text: "Saint Kitts and Nevis" },
                    { id: "lc", text: "Saint Lucia" },
                    { id: "pm", text: "Saint Pierre" },
                    { id: "vc", text: "Saint Vincent" },
                    { id: "ws", text: "Samoa" },
                    { id: "sm", text: "San Marino" },
                    { id: "gs", text: "Sandwich Islands" },
                    { id: "st", text: "Sao Tome" },
                    { id: "sa", text: "Saudi Arabia" },
                    { id: "sn", text: "Senegal" },
                    { id: "cs", text: "Serbia" },
                    { id: "rs", text: "Serbia" },
                    { id: "sc", text: "Seychelles" },
                    { id: "sl", text: "Sierra Leone" },
                    { id: "sg", text: "Singapore" },
                    { id: "sk", text: "Slovakia" },
                    { id: "si", text: "Slovenia" },
                    { id: "sb", text: "Solomon Islands" },
                    { id: "so", text: "Somalia" },
                    { id: "za", text: "South Africa" },
                    { id: "kr", text: "South Korea" },
                    { id: "es", text: "Spain" },
                    { id: "lk", text: "Sri Lanka" },
                    { id: "sd", text: "Sudan" },
                    { id: "sr", text: "Suriname" },
                    { id: "sj", text: "Svalbard" },
                    { id: "sz", text: "Swaziland" },
                    { id: "se", text: "Sweden" },
                    { id: "ch", text: "Switzerland" },
                    { id: "sy", text: "Syria" },
                    { id: "tw", text: "Taiwan" },
                    { id: "tj", text: "Tajikistan" },
                    { id: "tz", text: "Tanzania" },
                    { id: "th", text: "Thailand" },
                    { id: "tl", text: "Timorleste" },
                    { id: "tg", text: "Togo" },
                    { id: "tk", text: "Tokelau" },
                    { id: "to", text: "Tonga" },
                    { id: "tt", text: "Trinidad" },
                    { id: "tn", text: "Tunisia" },
                    { id: "tr", text: "Turkey" },
                    { id: "tm", text: "Turkmenistan" },
                    { id: "tv", text: "Tuvalu" },
                    { id: "ug", text: "Uganda" },
                    { id: "ua", text: "Ukraine" },
                    { id: "ae", text: "United Arab Emirates" },
                    { id: "us", text: "United States" },
                    { id: "uy", text: "Uruguay" },
                    { id: "um", text: "Us Minor Islands" },
                    { id: "vi", text: "Us Virgin Islands" },
                    { id: "uz", text: "Uzbekistan" },
                    { id: "vu", text: "Vanuatu" },
                    { id: "va", text: "Vatican City" },
                    { id: "ve", text: "Venezuela" },
                    { id: "vn", text: "Vietnam" },
                    { id: "wf", text: "Wallis and Futuna" },
                    { id: "eh", text: "Western Sahara" },
                    { id: "ye", text: "Yemen" },
                    { id: "zm", text: "Zambia" },
                    { id: "zw", text: "Zimbabwe" }
                placeholder: "کشور مورد نظرتان را انتخاب نمایید",
                language: "fa",
                theme: "bootstrap",
                dir: "rtl",
                tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
                multiple: false,
                templateSelection: format,
                escapeMarkup: function (m) { return m; }

در اینجا ما اطلاعات را به صورت دستی وارد کرده ایم. شما می‌توانید این اطلاعات را از سمت سرور دریافت نمایید.
در templateResult و templateSelection شما می‌توانید ساختار مورد نظرتان را پیاده سازی کنید. اولی در لیستی از dropdown به عنوان یک option و دومی وقتی که انتخاب می‌شود.
تابع fotmat به صورت زیر می‌باشد.
 function format(state) {
            var $state = $(
                '<span>' + state.text + ' <i class="' + state.id + ' flag"> ' +
            return $state;

لازم به ذکر است کلاس لازم برای ایجاد  پرچم کشوری مثل ایران با استفاده از Semantic-Ui به صورت زیر می‌باشد.
<i class="ir flag"></i>
و در نهایت خروجی آن به شکل زیر می‌باشد

نمایش لیست کشورها به همراه پرچم آنها به صورت dropdown با استفاده از select2
راهنمای قدم به قدم و ایجاد Monorepo برای React Native با استفاده از Nx

Do you want to have both mobile and web apps in the same repo? Do you wish that you could share code between mobile and web apps? This blog post shows you how to create a React Native mobile app and a React web app in the same repo with shared libraries using Nx

راهنمای قدم به قدم و ایجاد Monorepo برای React Native با استفاده از Nx