نکات مهم نظرسنجی JavaScript در سال 2018

Here's a couple of final thoughts.

  • 3 major front end frameworks (Angular, React, and Vue)
  • React is the highest growing and highest paying front end framework
  • Express is still the dominant Node framework by far
  • TypeScript is becoming more and more popular (and it's going to take over...just my thought)
  • Tooling is making JavaScript a more evolved and appealing language
  • Options to reach almost any platform (desktop, mobile, server, web, hybrid, etc.)
  • Graphql is on the rise, especially with the rise of Gatsby.js 
نکات مهم نظرسنجی JavaScript در سال 2018
نظرات مطالب
اعمال تزریق وابستگی‌ها به مثال رسمی ASP.NET Identity
سلام مجدد
یه سوالی داشتم. آیا Dependencr Resolver برای کنترلرهای از نوع Web Api در این مثال گنجانده شده، چون الان وقتی دو تا اکشن متد از نوع WebApi  و با Verb از نوع httpPostداخل کنترلر AccountApi تعریف میکنیم هنگام فراخوانی و ارسال json به آن‌ها به مشکل برخورده و ارور زیر را نمایش می‌دهد:
exceptionMessage": "An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'AccountApiController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.",
"innerException": {
    "message": "An error has occurred.",
    "exceptionMessage": "Type 'MyProject.Web.Controllers.AccountApiController' does not have a default constructor",
    "exceptionType": "System.ArgumentException",
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!

Did you know that DotVVM can be used to incrementally modernize old ASP.NET Web Forms applications and lift them to .NET Core? It is much easier than doing a full rewrite, and the application can be deployed at any time during the entire process.

  • Install DotVVM NuGet package in your Web Forms site
  • Create a DotVVM master page using the same CSS
  • Start converting ASPX pages to DotHTML syntax, one at a time
  • When all the Web Forms pages are gone, change your CSPROJ to use .NET Core 
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!
خداحافظی با حملات CSRF و cross-site leak برای همیشه از کروم 80 به بعد

In Chrome 80 and later, cookies will default to SameSite=Lax. This means that cookies will automatically be sent only in a first party context unless they opt-out by explicitly setting a directive of None.
But if you’re a web developer, you should start testing your sites and services now to help ensure a smooth transition. 

خداحافظی با حملات CSRF و cross-site leak برای همیشه از کروم 80 به بعد
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