معرفی NET Standard 2.1.

Since we shipped .NET Standard 2.0 about a year ago, we’ve shipped two updates to .NET Core 2.1 and are about to release .NET Core 2.2. It’s time to update the standard to include some of the new concepts as well as a number of small improvements

معرفی NET Standard 2.1.
Getting Started with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

کتابچه‌ی رایگان 60 صفحه‌ای از مایکروسافت در مورد SharePoint Services 3.0 با محتوای زیر:

Microsoft Corporation - Published: March 2009

Introduction to Getting Started with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 technology
What's new for IT professionals in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Administration model enhancements
New and improved compliance features and capabilities
New and improved operational tools and capabilities
Improved support for network configuration
Extensibility enhancements
For further reading: Evaluation guide for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 technology
Determine hardware and software requirements
About hardware and software requirements
Stand-alone installation
Server farm installation
Plan browser support
About browser support
Levels of browser support
Feature-specific compatibility listed by Web browser
Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on a stand-alone computer
Hardware and software requirements
Configure the server as a Web server
Install and configure Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Windows Internal Database
Post-installation steps
Deploy in a simple server farm
Deployment overview
Deploy and configure the server infrastructure
Perform additional configuration tasks
Create a site collection and a SharePoint site
Roadmap to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content by audience
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 IT professional content by stage of the IT life cycle


8 روش که باعث نشت حافظه در دات نت میشود

Any experienced .NET developer knows that even though .NET applications have a garbage collector, memory leaks occur all the time. It’s not that the garbage collector has bugs, it’s just that there are ways we can (easily) cause memory leaks in a managed language.

Memory leaks are sneakily bad creatures. It’s easy to ignore them for a very long time, while they slowly destroy the application. With memory leaks, your memory consumption grows, creating GC pressure and performance problems. Finally, the program will just crash on an out-of-memory exception.

In this article, we will go over the most common reasons for memory leaks in .NET programs. All examples are in C#, but they are relevant to other languages.  

8 روش که باعث نشت حافظه در دات نت میشود
چگونه دات نت تا این اندازه سریع است؟

Why is .NET so Insanely Fast? with Stephen Toub | Keep Coding Podcast #7
Keep Coding Podcast
In this video I will have a chat with Stephen Toub, Partner Software Engineer at Microsoft. Stephen has been a core part of the performance advancements in .NET and in this episode I will try and get his perspective on why is .NET so fast. 

چگونه دات نت تا این اندازه سریع است؟
سری آموزشی MassTransit

MassTransit is a free, open-source distributed application framework for .NET. MassTransit makes it easy to create applications and services that leverage message-based, loosely-coupled asynchronous communication for higher availability, reliability, and scalability. 

سری آموزشی MassTransit
شروع به کار با ODP.Net Core

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create a basic .NET Core web application that retrieves data from the Oracle database with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Core.  

شروع به کار با ODP.Net Core
کتابخانه sir-trevor-js
  • No HTML is stored, only structured JSON and clean Markdown
  • Trivial to extend and create your own block types
  • Intuitive interface for creating rich content
  • Used on a national broadcast news site serving millions of users


کتابخانه sir-trevor-js