انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
With the start of a new season of Game of Thrones, folks are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what’s coming. Unlike the Khaleesi who seems to be going nowhere fast, Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) has made some moves recently. Over the last month, we released Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio, joined the vibrant open source community on GitHub , and created VM images so anyone can quickly get started with NTVS.
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
Visual Studio Code در DockerCon 2015
This post is about a cool demo we did at DockerCon which highlights some of the plugin support work we are doing. At the moment this is just a demo and not something you can do yet, but we will add it in a subsequent update. Once available, we'll update this post.
Visual Studio Code در DockerCon 2015
لیست کاملی از سوئیچ‌های خط فرمان اجرای مرورگر کروم

List of Chromium Command Line Switches
There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the available switches including their conditions and descriptions. Last automated update occurred on 2023-05-28.  

لیست کاملی از سوئیچ‌های خط فرمان اجرای مرورگر کروم
نظرات مطالب
معماری میکروسرویس‌ها
در واقع میکرو سرویس یک نسل پیشرفته از روی SOA  می باشد 
طبق تعریف microservice از زبان جناب martin fowler
In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralised management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage
که بصورت خلاصه سبک معماری میکرو سرویس یک رویکرد به توسعه یک برنامه واحد به عنوان مجموعه ای از خدمات کوچک می‌باشد که هر برنامه در پروسس خود اجرا می‌شود و اغلب از طریق مکانیسم‌های برقراری ساده  همانند api  های HTTP با بقیه ارتباط برقرار می‌کند. این خدمات در سراسر کسب و کار ساخته شده است و به طور مستقل و بطور اتوماتیک استقرار می‌یابد (مثلا با BuildScript  ها  Deplloy Script‌ها ). در این سرویس‌ها حداقل مدیریت متمرکز وجود دارد، و این بدین معنی می‌باشد که هر کدام می‌توانند با زبان برنامه نویسی مختلف نوشته شوند و حتی دیتابیس ذخیره سازی متفاوت داشته باشند .
آیا SPA همان قسمت Front-end است؟

It is common when working on a web application, comprised of a server-side Web API, running on a framework like ASP.NET or NestJS, and a client-side Single Page Application (SPA), running on a framework like Angular, to refer to the server-side as "the back-end" and to the client-side as "the front-end". I've been a culprit of this until recently.  

آیا SPA همان قسمت Front-end است؟
بررسی ASP.NET Core

If you stumble into this with no idea who I am or why I’m arrogant enough to think I’m qualified to potentially criticize the ASP.Net Core internals, I’m the primary author of both StructureMap (the IoC container) and an alternative “previous generation” OSS web development framework called FubuMVC that tackled a lot of the same problems that ASP.Net Core addresses now that were not part of older ASP.Net MVC or Web API. 

بررسی ASP.NET Core
طراحی الگو

In this episode, Robert is joined by Phil Japikse for a chat about design patterns. Software design patterns have been around long before the MVC Framework gained momentum. Phil starts with a review of Robert C. Martin's (Uncle Bob) SOLID macronym. After building the proper foundation,he reviews several design patterns, their C# implementation and when and how they should be used in modern software development. 

طراحی الگو
کتابخانه Unicoder.js

Unicoder.js is a small JS library, which converts given text to some of the more artistic unicode alphabets. 

کتابخانه Unicoder.js
رندر سمت سرور کامپوننت‌های Blazor در دات نت 8

  The "Blazor United" effort is really a collection of features we're adding to Blazor so that you can get the best of server & client based web development. These features include: Server-side rendering, streaming rendering, enhanced navigations & form handling, add client interactivity per page or component, and determining the client render mode at runtime. We've started delivering server-side rendering support for Blazor with .NET 8 Preview 3, which is now available to try out. We plan to deliver the remaining features in upcoming previews. We hope to deliver them all for .NET 8, but we'll see how far we get. 

رندر سمت سرور کامپوننت‌های Blazor در دات نت 8