نظرات مطالب
چگونه پروژه‌های Angular ی سبکی داشته باشیم - قسمت اول
مشکلی اصلی که در اینجا وجود دارد این است که چرا کامپایلر فعلی Angular (یعنی تا نگارش 7 آن)، قادر نیست وابستگی‌هایی را که در برنامه ارجاعی به آن‌ها وجود ندارند، در بسته یا بسته‌های کامپایل شده‌ی نهایی لحاظ نکند؟ این مشکل قرار است در نگارش 8 آن با ارائه‌ی یک کامپایلر جدید به نام Ivy که مدت زیادی است مشغول به کار بر روی آن هستند، برطرف شود:
The cool thing about Ivy versus the older compilers, however, is that it’s “ tree-shaking friendly ,” which basically means that it automatically removes unused bits of code (including unused Angular features!), shrinking your bundles.  
کتابخانه oboe.js
A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.  Demo
کتابخانه oboe.js
ده قابلیت ASP.NET Core برای توسعه دهندگان ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET Core 1.0 (formerly ASP.NET 5) provides a revamped Web development framework geared towards the requirements of modern Web applications. The new framework, currently in RC1, requires you to learn many new concepts not found in ASP.NET MVC 5. To that end, this article enumerates a few important features that ASP.NET MVC 5 developers should know as they prepare to learn this new framework. 

ده  قابلیت  ASP.NET Core  برای توسعه دهندگان ASP.NET MVC
کتاب ASP.NET MVC 5: A Beginner’s Guide

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Environment Settings and Tools Used
  • Getting Started
  • Brief Overview of ASP.NET MVC
  • Creating a Database
  • Creating Database Tables
  • Adding a New ASP.NET MVC 5 Project
  • Setting Up the Data Access using Entity Framework Database-First approach
  • Creating a Signup Page
  • Creating the Login Page
  • Implementing a Simple Role-Based Page Authorization
  • Implementing Fetch, Edit, Update and Delete Operations
  • Creating a User Profile Page
  • Implementing a ShoutBox Feature
  • Deploying Your ASP.NET MVC 5 App to IIS8
  • Summary 
کتاب ASP.NET MVC 5: A Beginner’s Guide
رونمایی از Project Spartan

Spartan loads the IE11 engine for legacy enterprise web sites when needed, while using the new rendering engine for modern web sites. 

رونمایی از Project Spartan
به زودی در Angular 6

Angular Elements
Ivy renderer
Bazel and Closure Compiler
Component Dev Kit (CDK)
Schematics and ng update

به زودی در Angular 6
خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن

background-clip is one of those properties I've known about for years, but rarely used. Maybe just a couple of times as part of a solution to a Stack Overflow question. Until last year, when I started creating my huge collection of sliders. Some of the designs I chose to reproduce were a bit more complex and I only had one element available per slider, which happened to be an input element, meaning that I couldn't even use pseudo-elements on it. Even though that does work in certain browsers, the fact that it works is actually a bug and I didn't want to rely on that. All this meant I ended up using backgrounds, borders, and shadows a lot. I also learned a lot from doing that and this article shares some of those lessons.  

خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن
Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs

Angular 1.3 might be the best Angular yet, but there's still lots of high impact work to be done on the 1.x branch. We still have Material Design, our new router, and improved internationalization of Angular apps still to come ... 

The Angular 1.x project needs someone to be fully committed to keeping v1 moving forward, and supporting the Angular ecosystem that has grown around it.

That's why I'm delighted that Pete Bacon Darwin has agreed to take over the leadership role for Angular v1.  

But Pete can't do this alone. He needs Brian, Caitlin, and Chirayu to help make v1 even more awesome. Jeff will help out with google3 sync and releases, and familiar faces like Matias Niemela and Pawel Kozlowski (who co-wrote one of the first books on Angular with Pete) will be ongoing contributors. We're also looking forward to meeting new faces. Over time, some of these folks will shift their focus towards Angular 2, but for the immediate future, what's most important is that Angular 1.x is and continues to be well taken care of.  

Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs