توسعه دهنده‌ها در سال 2020 مشغول چه کاری هستند؟

This report presents the combined results of the fourth annual Developer Ecosystem Survey conducted by JetBrains. Feedback from 19,696 developers whom we surveyed in the beginning of 2020 helped us identify the latest trends around tools, technologies, programming languages, and many other exciting facets of the development world.

توسعه دهنده‌ها در سال 2020 مشغول چه کاری هستند؟
اعتبارسنجی مدل‌ها در Web API

When a client sends data to your web API, often you want to validate the data before doing any processing. This article shows how to annotate your models, use the annotations for data validation, and handle validation errors in your web API. 

اعتبارسنجی مدل‌ها در Web API
20 نکته از CSS برای طراحی مدرن

In this post we want to share with you a collection of 20 useful conventions and best practices that are recommend by the CSS community. 

20 نکته از CSS  برای طراحی مدرن
سری آموزشی CQRS

This series of articles show "how" to achieve architecture with decoupled infrastructure concerns so that the end solution is simple to follow and maintain. 

سری آموزشی CQRS
پیاده سازی RSS Reader در ASP.NET MVC
 In this post I am going to explain you how we can create a basic RSS Reader with the help of Linq-To-Xml and ASP.NET MVC Razor. 
پیاده سازی RSS Reader در ASP.NET MVC
TypeScript 3.9 Beta منتشر شد

For this release our team been has been focusing on performance, polish, and stability. We’ve been working on speeding up the compiler and editing experience, getting rid of friction and papercuts, and reducing bugs and crashes.  

TypeScript 3.9 Beta منتشر شد