کانورتور عمومی برای مقادیر در WPF

This post provides a simple IValueConverter implementation that makes use of the framework type converters in order to convert between a large range of source / target types. This converter can be used both within bindings and in code-behind to give more concise property setters. 

کانورتور عمومی برای مقادیر در WPF
بخش های خوب ASP.NET MVC Core

MVC 6 should be out any day, so we need to be prepared.

The good thing is, it’s all very similar to MVC 5; the even better thing is, it got better! A couple of ways it is so cool, in my mind, are:

بخش های خوب ASP.NET MVC Core
نگاهی به آینده WebAssembly

The future of WebAssembly - A look at upcoming features and proposals

WebAssembly is a performance optimised virtual machine that was shipped in all four major browsers earlier this year. It is a nascent technology and the current version is very much an MVP (minimum viable product). This blog post takes a look at the WebAssembly roadmap and the features it might be gain in the near future.

I’ll try to keep this blog post relatively high-level, so I’ll skip over some of the more technical proposals, instead focusing on what they might mean for languages that target WebAssembly. 

نگاهی به آینده WebAssembly
همکاری تیم TypeScript و AngularJS

For the last several months, the Microsoft TypeScript and Google Angular teams have been working closely together. Today at ng-conf in Salt Lake City, the Angular and the TypeScript teams are unveiling the first fruits of that collaboration.  We’re excited to 

همکاری تیم TypeScript و AngularJS
تاملی در مهاجرت از ویندوز به لینوکس

I have been using Windows operating system from the beginning. When I first started using computer Windows XP was the latest operating system and it was amazing. After few years I started my career as a Java developer and in my office also I have been using Windows only.
 After few years Windows Vista got released and I suffered with it for few months and then Microsoft released Windows 7 which is the best Windows operating system IMO. And then they released Windows 8 which I don’t like much. Recently they released Windows 10 and I have upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. Windows 10 is certainly better than Windows 8 but it still sucks compared to Windows 7. 

تاملی در مهاجرت از ویندوز به لینوکس
بررسی تاثیر React بر روی جامعه‌ی توسعه دهندگان جاوااسکریپت

“I’ve written before about how React is the new default frontend framework, and how I don’t think most people using React on a regular basis realize quite how much it’s fallen behind.” High level thoughts about the React ‘bubble’ and some reasons to look beyond it, including a round up of some of the alternative options. 

بررسی تاثیر React بر روی جامعه‌ی توسعه دهندگان جاوااسکریپت
ایجاد نمودار با استفاده از AngularJS و Web API

In development world, you may get a requirement from your client, they wants a weekly, quarterly and yearly charts. You always think, how can I make charts with use of angularjs.  So today, in this article, we are going to learn

  • how to create charts in angularjs using webapi
  •  higcharts.js

In this example, our requirement is, we have dropdownlist of student names. if user select any student, it will show selected students marks in the form of charts. 

ایجاد نمودار با استفاده از AngularJS و Web API
کتاب رایگان Implementing Domain Driven Design

This is a practical guide for implementing Domain Driven Design (DDD). While the implementation details are based on the ABP Framework infrastructure, the basic concepts, principles and models can be applied to any solution, even if it is not a .NET solution.  

کتاب رایگان Implementing Domain Driven Design
کتابخانه At.js
Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.  Demo
  • Support IE 7+ for textarea.
  • Supports HTML5 contentEditable elements (NOT including IE 8)
  • Can listen to any character and not just '@'. Can set up multiple listeners for different characters with different behavior and data
  • Listener events can be bound to multiple inputors.
  • Format returned data using templates
  • Keyboard controls in addition to mouse
    • Tab or Enter keys select the value
    • Up and Down navigate between values (and Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N also)
    • Right and left will re-search the keyword.
  • Custom data handlers and template renderers using a group of configurable callbacks
  • Supports AMD
کتابخانه At.js