نظرات اشتراک‌ها
برای ساخت ویندوز 10 از چه زبان‌های برنامه نویسی استفاده شده‌است؟
The full source tree with all the code, test code and everything that together constitutes the “Windows source code” is more than a half terabyte in size, in more than 4 million files. You can spend a year (seriously) just drilling down the source tree, more than a half million folders containing the code for every component making up the OS workstation and server products and all their editions, tools, and associated developement kits, and see what’s in there, read the file names and try to figure out what does what. It would take a life (or two) to read it all. 
بررسی جامع نگارش آزمایشی Azure DocumentDB

○ No sorting option, or a good paging story
○ SQL Injection, without any other alternative
○ Hard to deploy and to keep current with your codebase
○ Poor development story & no testing story
○ Poor client API
○ Lots of table scans
○ Limited queries and few optimization options
○ Single document transactions (from the client)
○ No cross collection transations at all
○ Very small document sizes allowed

بررسی جامع نگارش آزمایشی Azure DocumentDB
ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design: The Good Parts

The greenfield project started out so promising. Instead of devolving into big ball of mud, the team decided to apply domain-driven design principles. Ubiquitous language, proper boundaries, encapsulation, it all made sense.
But along the way, something went completely and utterly wrong. It started with arguments on the proper way of implementing aggregates and entities. Arguments began over project and folder structure. Someone read a blog post that repositories are evil, and ORMs the devil incarnate. Another read that relational databases are last century, we need to store everything as a stream of events. Then came the actor model and frameworks that sounded like someone clearing their throat. Instead of a nice, clean architecture, the team chased the next new approach without ever actually shipping anything.
Beyond the endless technical arguments it causes, domain-driven design can actually produce great software. We have to look past the hype into the true value of DDD, what it can bring to our organizations and how it can enable us to build quality systems. With the advent of microservices, DDD is more important than ever - but only if we can get to the good parts. 

ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design
معرفی پیش نمایش TypeScript 2.0

For TypeScript 2.0, the current road map consists of:
    • Non-nullable types
    • Control flow based typed analysis
    • Async/await downlevel support
    • Readonly properties
    • Declared 'this' type in functions
    • Improved typings acquisition

معرفی پیش نمایش TypeScript 2.0
کتابخانه readable
Readable is a small jQuery plugin to help you make your paragraphs, well, more readable. It injects styling between the 45th and 75th character of every p tag on your page.  Demo

کتابخانه readable
شناخت NET Core, NETStandard, .NET Core applications and ASP.NET Core

As anyone in the .NET community who hasn't been living under a rock will know, there's a lot of exciting things happening with .NET at the moment with the announcement of the open source, cross platform, .NET Core. However, partly due to the very open nature of its evolution, there's been a whole host of names associated with its development - vNext, ASP.NET 5, ASP.NET Core, .NET generations etc.

In this post I'm going to try and clarify some of the naming and terminology surrounding the evolution of the .NET framework. I'll discuss some of the challenges the latest iteration is attempting to deal with and how the latest developments aim to address these.

This is really for those that have seen some of the big announcements but aren't sure about the intricacies of this new framework and how it relates to the existing ecosystem, which was my situation before I really started digging into it all properly!

Hopefully by the end of this article you'll have a clearer grasp of the latest in .NET! 

شناخت NET Core, NETStandard, .NET Core applications and ASP.NET Core
افزونه نمایش فرمت Json در گوگل کروم

Makes JSON easy to read. Open source.


 •   JSON & JSONP support

 •   Syntax highlighting

 •   Collapsible trees, with indent guides

 •   Clickable URLs

 •   Toggle between raw and parsed JSON

 •   Works on any valid JSON page – URL doesn't matter

 •   Works on local files too (if you enable this in chrome://extensions)

 •   You can inspect the JSON by typing "json" in the console 

افزونه نمایش فرمت Json در گوگل کروم
Application service در DDD

It's important to note that an Application Service doesn't have any business behaviour. It knows only what model to use but not how that model works. So, the AS knows which Aggregate to invoke, it knows about some Domain Services that might be required, but that's it. 

Application service در DDD
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests

The gist of the story goes as follow:

  1. The most popular languages are JavaScript/TypeScript and Python with roughly 20% of all pull requests each. In effect, if you put JavaScript/TypeScript and Python together, you get about 40% of all pull requests.
  2. Then you get the second tier languages: Java and Scala, C/C++, and Go. They all are in the 10% to 15% range.
  3. Finally, you have PHP, Ruby and C# that all manage to get about 5% of all pull requests.
  4. Other languages are typically far below 5%. 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests