لیستی از SQL Memes

A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture—often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning represented by the meme.

لیستی از SQL Memes
کتابخانه های برنامه های Front-End و معماری کامپوننت ها

Component architectures are an important part of ever modern front-end framework. In this article, I’m going to dissect Polymer, React, Rio.js, Vue.js, Aurelia and Angular 2 components. The goal is to make the commonalities between each solution obvious. Hopefully, this will convince you that learning one or the other isn’t all that complex, given that everyone has somewhat settled on a component architecture. 

کتابخانه های برنامه های Front-End و معماری کامپوننت ها
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
Many applications have a need to keep audit information on changes made to objects in the database. Traditionally, this would be done either through log events, stored procedures that implement the logging, or the use of archive/tombstone tables to store the old values before the modification (hopefully enforced through stored procedures). With all of these, there is always a chance that a developer could forget to do those things in a specific section of code, and that changes could be made through the application without logging the change correctly. With Entity Framework 4.1’s DbContext API, it is fairly easy to implement more robust audit logging in your application  
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
زبان Rust در حال از هم پاشیدن است!

While Rust has earned a dedicated following, it's not without its fair share of controversies and problems. In this video I'll talk about the negative response and backlash from the Rust community in the wake of the most recent controversy, its connections to past incidents, and give my personal thoughts.  

زبان Rust در حال از هم پاشیدن است!
NET. چه چیزی است؟ پلتفرم یا فریم ورک؟

You'll often hear the terms framework and platform used interchangeably. This can be very confusing. You'll hear that .NET Core is a platform. Then you'll read that .NET Core is cross-platform. Next, you'll learn that .NET Core is a framework. And it doesn't help that framework is part of the name of the original full .NET Framework.

In this post, I explain the difference between frameworks and platforms and explain why sometimes you'll see .NET being referred to as a framework and other times see it referred to as a platform. 

NET. چه چیزی است؟ پلتفرم یا فریم ورک؟
نظرات مطالب
شروع به کار با AngularJS 2.0 و TypeScript - قسمت هشتم - دریافت اطلاعات از سرور
- سمت سرور آن مهم نیست (اگر آدرس آن‌را که مستقیما باز می‌کنید، خروجی JSON را مشاهده می‌کنید).
- هر زمانیکه خطای syntax error را دریافت کردید یعنی تنظیمات ابتدایی AngularJS 2.0 شما اشتباه و یا ناقص است.
- این مطالب به روز شده‌اند. نیاز هست توضیحات ذیل هر مطلب را جهت به روز رسانی هر قسمت دنبال کنید.
- و یا ... تمام این توضیحات به صورت یکجا به پروژه‌ی « MVC5Angular2 » اعمال شده‌اند. نیاز است فایل به فایل و سطر به سطر کدهای خود را با این پروژه تطبیق دهید.
آینده‌ی Firefox Add-ons

We are implementing a new extension API, called WebExtensions—largely compatible with the model used by Chrome and Opera—to make it easier to develop extensions across multiple browsers.

آینده‌ی Firefox Add-ons
Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها

Sometimes, in order to get rapid feedback, it’s useful to throw together a prototype that has literally nothing going on in the backend, but lets the user get a sense of how the application would flow. The problem, of course, is that once users see such a thing, they can’t always tell the difference between smoke and mirrors and the real thing. 

Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها