نظرات مطالب
ساخت یک Web API که از عملیات CRUD پشتیبانی می کند
باید نوع داده ارسالی رو مشخص کنید، بعنوان مثال:

function postProduct() {
    var product = { Name: "SampleProduct", Category: "TestCategory", Price: 10.99 };

        type: 'POST',
        data: JSON.stringify(product),
        url: "/api/products",
        contentType: "application/json"
    }).done(function (data) {
        var message = data.Name + ' $:' + data.Price;

مطالعه بیشتر
Bosque زبان برنامه نویسی جدید مایکروسافت بر پایه تایپ اسکریپت

The Bosque programming language is designed for writing code that is simple, obvious, and easy to reason about for both humans and machines. The key design features of the language provide ways to avoidaccidental complexity in the development and coding process. The goal is improved developer productivity, increased software quality, and enabling a range of new compilers and developer tooling experiences. 

Bosque زبان برنامه نویسی جدید مایکروسافت بر پایه تایپ اسکریپت
افزونه‌ای برای پیش‌نمایش خروجی مرورگر داخل VSCode به همراه قابلیت دیباگ

Browser Preview for VS Code enables you to open a real browser preview inside your editor that you can debug. Browser Preview is powered by Chrome Headless, and works by starting a headless Chrome instance in a new process. This enables a secure way to render web content inside VS Code, and enables interesting features such as in-editor debugging and more! 

افزونه‌ای برای پیش‌نمایش خروجی مرورگر داخل VSCode به همراه قابلیت دیباگ
پیشنهاد ساختار بهینه‌ی پروژه‌های React در سال 2024
React Folder Structure in 5 Steps [2024]

Organizing large React applications into folders and files is a topic that often sparks strong opinions. I found it challenging to write about this, as there isn't a definitive "correct" approach. However, I frequently get asked how I structure my React projects, from small to large, and I'm happy to share my approach.
پیشنهاد ساختار بهینه‌ی پروژه‌های React در سال 2024
Tools for Apache Cordova - مثال ها و مستندات
Open source code is the norm for so many developers these days, and unsurprisingly, so is open documentation. From Azure to TypeScript, public repositories have become a go-to place for sharing samples, tutorials, and “tips and tricks” so that everyone can learn and contribute together as a community.
Tools for Apache Cordova - مثال ها و مستندات
خواندن و نوشتن فایل CSV در #C
A common requirement is to have applications share data with other programs. Although there are interfaces available to work with, for example, Microsoft Excel data files, this approach is generally complex, involves a fair amount of overhead, and requires that support libraries accompany your application
خواندن و نوشتن فایل CSV در #C
کتابخانه loadCSS

A function for loading CSS asynchronously

Why loadCSS?

Referencing CSS stylesheets with link[rel=stylesheet] or @import causes browsers to delay page rendering while a stylesheet loads. When loading stylesheets that are not critical to the initial rendering of a page, this blocking behavior is undesirable. The new <link rel="preload"> standard enables us to load stylesheets asynchronously, without blocking rendering, and loadCSS provides a JavaScript polyfill for that feature to allow it to work across browsers. Additionally, loadCSS offers a separate (and optional) JavaScript function for loading stylesheets dynamically.

npm install fg-loadcss --save

کتابخانه loadCSS
معرفی Scala برای توسعه‌دهندگان #C
سایت زبان برنامه‌نویسی Scala
Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more productive. Code sizes are typically reduced by a factor of two to three when compared to an equivalent Java application. 

معرفی Scala برای توسعه‌دهندگان #C
پیاده سازی مفاهیم SOLID در ASP.NET Core توسط نویسنده‌ی AutoMapper

ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the ground-up rewrite of ASP.NET, MVC and Web API, bringing a new paradigm in building web applications and APIs in .NET. With this rewrite brought new techniques in building SOLID applications, and updated some existing patterns and tools.
In this session, we'll take a lap around some of the major extension points of ASP.NET Core 1.0, walking through how these features can help us build cleaner, more maintainable systems. We'll cover web APIs, traditional MVC applications, controllers, views, filters, dependency injection, tag helpers and more. With a SOLID foundation, our ASP.NET Core applications will be dead simple to build and maintain.

پیاده سازی مفاهیم SOLID در ASP.NET Core توسط نویسنده‌ی AutoMapper