نگاهی به آینده WebAssembly

The future of WebAssembly - A look at upcoming features and proposals

WebAssembly is a performance optimised virtual machine that was shipped in all four major browsers earlier this year. It is a nascent technology and the current version is very much an MVP (minimum viable product). This blog post takes a look at the WebAssembly roadmap and the features it might be gain in the near future.

I’ll try to keep this blog post relatively high-level, so I’ll skip over some of the more technical proposals, instead focusing on what they might mean for languages that target WebAssembly. 

نگاهی به آینده WebAssembly
SQL Server Management Studio 18.6 منتشر شد

The 18.6 release is the  second  major release of SSMS in 2020  and packs  several high  impact   changes , including a fix for  crashes in database diagram s.  Key fixes include:    

  • Save to XEL file error fix.  
  • B acpac  file  import  error fix.  
  • Database diagrams crash fix.  
  • Addressed sources o f three common application hangs.  
SQL Server Management Studio 18.6 منتشر شد
بایندینگ به شیوه ASP.NET MVC در ASP.NET WEB API

This lets you do things that you can’t do in WebAPI’s default binder, specifically:

  1. ModelBinds everything, including the body. Assumes the body is FormUrl encoded
  2. This means you can do MVC scenarios where a complex type is bound with one field from the query string and one field from the form data in the body.
  3. Allows multiple parameters to be bound from the body. 
بایندینگ به شیوه ASP.NET MVC در ASP.NET WEB API