بررسی NET Standard.


There has been a lot of talk lately about .NET Standard, both in the community and on Channel 9. But there is also still confusion about it. In this episode, Kathleen Dollard clears up some of this confusion. She and Robert chat about why .NET Standard was created, as well as how and when you should take advantage of it.  

بررسی NET Standard.
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 3.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:

  • Support for route handler filters in minimal APIs
  • Improved unit testability for minimal route handlers
  • Bind using TryParse in MVC and API controllers
  • New Results.Stream() overloads
  • Improved HTTP/2 performance when using many streams on a connection
  • New ServerReady event for measuring startup time
  • Developer exception page dark mode 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 3.
نکات افزایش پرفرمنس برای وبسایت

In this post, I'll talk about what the different things I've made on this website to improve the performance. Some of the optimizations are just some configuration flags to turn on, others require more changes in your code.

  • Enable HTTP/2
  • Enable TLS 1.3
  • Compress responses using Brotli or gzip
  • Add caching information
  • Optimize JavaScript / CSS files
  • Reduce the number of redirections
  • Optimize images
  • Move your servers near your visitors (GeoDNS, CDN)
  • Resource Hints: Prefetch resources
  • Remove unused resources / features
  • Minify HTML
  • Optimize JavaScript code
  • Automate almost everything! 
نکات افزایش پرفرمنس برای وبسایت
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبا آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (17.8.1) حدود 666G میشه.

Summary of What's New in this Release of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2

  • Fixed an issue where, in certain situations, a document window can get stuck showing a loading message.
  • In some cases (when a project is located under a solution folder) you may see an error when saving the project. The project would get saved but you would see an error about unable to cast a COM object. This issue is now fixed so the error is no longer displayed.

Developer Community

Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
استفاده از کتابخانه MediatR برای پیاده سازی DomainEventها در پروژه های ASP.NET Core

I’ve started looking at using MediatR for my domain events implementations. To that end, I created a quick sample project using ASP.NET Core 2.0. Overall things were pretty easy to get going. If you haven’t used MediatR before, or if you’re looking for a quick intro on how to set it up for ASP.NET Core, keep reading (if not, how did you get here? Was the title not clear?). 

استفاده از کتابخانه MediatR برای پیاده سازی DomainEventها در پروژه های ASP.NET Core
ساخت برنامه‌های توزیع شده با Akka.NET

In this episode, Aaron Stannard (@Aaronontheweb) comes on to talk about his open source project, Akka.NET. This is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on .NET and Mono. 

ساخت برنامه‌های توزیع شده با Akka.NET
انتشار Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.1

Use Visual Studio and Apache Cordova™ to easily build hybrid apps that run on iOS, Android, Windows, and Windows Phone using a single project based on HTML and JavaScript. (Note: You must have Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 installed.) 

انتشار  Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.1
شرکت در نظرسنجی رسمی NuGet

We are looking to learn more about your experience with NuGet.org to understand how we can make it better. This survey will take about 5 minutes of your time. Sharing your feedback here gives you an opportunity to help us prioritize the next set of investments and influence the direction of NuGet.  

شرکت در نظرسنجی رسمی NuGet
پشتیبانی از PHP در Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a powerful IDE, but its focus didn’t align with some languages, PHP being one of them. As time progressed more languages found their way to Visual Studio, like Python and eventually PHP. 

پشتیبانی از PHP در Visual Studio
۱۸ ویژگی گیت‌لب متن باز می‌شود

I spent some time reviewing GitLab features and determined that, by our Buyer-Based Open Core model, eighteen features that appear in seven different stages of the DevOps lifecycle ought to be open source

۱۸ ویژگی گیت‌لب متن باز می‌شود