انتشار پیش از موعد NET Core 2.1.

.NET Core 2.1.0 (along with ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core) will be released around May 30th, but for folks who can't wait until then and would like to get their hands on the bits a little early, read on! 

انتشار پیش از موعد NET Core 2.1.
Rider 2018.1 منتشر شد

Rider 2018.1 adds support for Roslyn analyzers and Entity Framework, introduces XAML preview, takes Unity integration to a whole new level, improves debugger with Memory view and other updates, evolves F# and NuGet support. 

Rider 2018.1 منتشر شد
قالب ایجاد پروژه ASP.NET Core / Angular4

  • Template pages using Angular4 and TypeScript
  • RESTful API Backend using ASP.NET Core MVC Web API
  • Database using Entity Framework Core
  • Authentication based on OpenID Connect
  • API Documentation using Swagger
  • Webpack2 for managing client-side libraries
  • Theming using Bootstrap 
قالب ایجاد پروژه  ASP.NET Core / Angular4
کار با Enumerated Values in Entity Framework

If you decide on using an Enum with enumerated values in your Entity Framework class, here are the tools you'll need to make it work. But an enumerated value shouldn't be your first choice. 

کار با Enumerated Values in Entity Framework
Shadow Properties در Entity Framework 7

In this short video Rowan describes shadow properties new in Entity Framework 7. This is a super useful feature for those times when your database and your class model don't quite match up.

Shadow Properties در Entity Framework 7
استفاده مناسب از Lazy Loading در ef

Entity Framework supports three ways to load related data - eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading. The techniques shown in this topic apply equally to models created with Code First and the EF Designer. 

استفاده مناسب از Lazy Loading در ef