بررسی تغییرات انجام شده در Entity Framework 7

With the new Version 7, Entity Framework is moving away from legacy systems and duplications which have accumulated in recent years. As a slim-line new development it will be available for .NET Core, and therefore also WinRT, whilst in addition allowing access to NoSQL databases.This session will show exactly what has changed and how you can benefit from the new possibilities. 

بررسی تغییرات انجام شده در Entity Framework 7
Windows Live Writer سورس باز شد

An independent group of volunteers within Microsoft has successfully open sourced and forked Windows Live Writer. The fork is called Open Live Writer (also known as OLW) and it is part of the .NET Foundation and managed by this group of volunteers.  

Windows Live Writer سورس باز شد
ابزاری جهت مدل‌سازی پایگاه داده‌های رابطه‌ای و No-SQL

Powerful, yet easy-to-use, DbSchema helps you design, document and manage databases without having to be an SQL pro. Easily design new tables, generate HTML5 documentation, explore and edit the database data, compare and synchronize the schema over multiple databases, edit and execute SQL, generate random data.

ابزاری جهت مدل‌سازی پایگاه داده‌های رابطه‌ای و No-SQL
نظرات مطالب
راه اندازی StimulSoft Report در ASP.NET MVC
سپاس؛ پاسخ بسیار مفیدی دادید. بنده در net core mvc. استفاده میکنم. مشکلی که پیش آمد  وقتی خروجی pdf از گزارش میگیرم در متد:
public IActionResult ViewerEvent()
   return StiNetCoreViewer.ViewerEventResult(this);
خطای زیر ظاهر میشود:
System.ArgumentException: 'Must specify valid information for parsing in the string. '
در صورتی که گزارش به درستی نمایش داده میشود وسایر خروجی‌ها مشکلی ندارد.
 نکته دیگر اینکه  از کد خط آخری جنابعالی استفاده نکردم
آیا مشکلی پیش می‌آید؟
ASP.NET Core 2.0 منتشر شد

The ASP.NET team is proud to announce general availability of ASP.NET Core 2.0.  This release features compatibility with .NET Core 2.0, tooling support in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3, and the new Razor Pages user-interface design paradigm.  For a full list of updates, you can read the release notes.  The latest SDK and tools can be downloaded from https://dot.net/core. Read the .NET Core 2.0 release announcement for more information and watch the launch video on Channel 9.

ASP.NET Core 2.0 منتشر شد
تفاوت مجوز LGPL با GPL در چیست؟

A component licensed under LGPL can be used by closed source, proprietary software, both internally used and distributed, for free, with no effects on the software using the component. LGPL is not “contagious” in the same way as GPL, so it only affects the component under LGPL. As long as you’re only using official distributions of the component, it is free to use and free to redistribute. The only requirement is that you include a notice in your “about” page or similar that the component is used. 

تفاوت مجوز LGPL با GPL در چیست؟