Metadata Function ها در SQL Server

To be able to make full use of the system catalog to find out more about a database, you need to be familiar with the metadata functions. They save a great deal of time and typing when querying the metadata. Once you get the hang of these functions, the system catalog suddenly seems simple to use, as Robert Sheldon demonstrates in this article. 

Metadata Function ها در SQL Server
دوره آموزشی TypeScript ،ASP.NET Web API ، AngularJS Bootcamp هفته اول

I just finished teaching the first week of a 9-week, super-intensive, hands-on boot camp that focuses on TypeScript/ASP.NET Web API/AngularJS. I decided to write a series of blog posts that describes each week of the camp. Who makes it. The challenges the students encounter. And, the material that we cover 

دوره آموزشی TypeScript ،ASP.NET Web API ، AngularJS Bootcamp هفته اول
کتابخانه animated_alert
Animated alerts are the jQuery plugin based on css3 animation. Using it you can effectively communicate to users the right information. There are 68 animations, multiple color themes and types of messages and detailed documentation. Also you can develop your own themes, because of the efficient organization of the code. The plugin works in all modern browsers and on all devices. 
کتابخانه animated_alert
سفارشی کردن ابزارها (NodeJs, Grunt, Bower, Npm, Git, ...) در Visual Studio 2015

All of these tools are shipped as part of Visual Studio but are not installed in the same way as you would install them manually. They are all located in the Visual Studio install directory and are used by some of the new features such as the Task Runner Explorer and the new ASP.NET 5 project system. 

سفارشی کردن ابزارها (NodeJs, Grunt, Bower, Npm, Git, ...) در Visual Studio 2015
هزینه واقعی توسعه UI در دات نت
The purpose of these experiments is to show that everything has a cost
If you use C#/XAML the cost is performance but you gain a vast amount of capability out of the box
If you use C++/DirectX the cost is increased effort and development time but you gain the best performance and so forth  
هزینه واقعی توسعه UI در دات نت
نظرات مطالب
React 16x - قسمت 7 - ترکیب کامپوننت‌ها - بخش 1 - ارسال داده‌ها، مدیریت رخ‌دادها
 این استاندارد HTML 5 هست. در این استاندارد اگر یک attribute یا ویژگی به صورت boolean تعریف شود، اگر بدون مقدار ذکر شود، مقدار آن true بازگشت داده خواهد شد. البته این نکته فقط در مورد booleanها است. اگر از ویژگی‌های خاصی مانند data-checked استفاده کنید و مقداری برای آن ذکر نشود، مقدار انتساب داده شده‌ی به آن، یک رشته‌ی خالی خواهد بود.
A number of attributes are boolean attributes.
The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value,
and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.
نظرات مطالب
React 16x - قسمت 19 - کار با فرم‌ها - بخش 2 - اعتبارسنجی ورودی‌های کاربران
این موارد را آزمایش کنید:
password: Joi.string().min(3).max(15).required(),
password_confirmation: Joi.any().valid(Joi.ref('password')).required().options({ language: { any: { allowOnly: 'must match password' } } })
و یا
confirmPassword: Joi.string().required().valid(Joi.ref('password')).options({
  language: {
    any: {
      allowOnly: '!!Passwords do not match',
دریافت بانک اطلاعاتی عمومی Stack Overflow (2018-06)

The data goes up to 2018-06-03 and includes:

  • Badges – 27M rows, 1GB data.
  • Comments – 66M rows, 22GB
  • PostHistory -106M rows, 174GB (new)
  • Posts – 41M rows, 106GB
  • Users – 9M rows, 1GB.
  • Votes – 151M rows, 5GB.
  • And a few smaller supporting tables: PostHistoryTypes, PostLinks, PostTypes, and Tags. 
دریافت بانک اطلاعاتی عمومی Stack Overflow (2018-06)
مصاحبه ای خواندنی با یکی از بنیانگذاران شرکت Telerik
نکات مهم از داخل متن:
Telerik introduced the Telerik Platform
In the European Union alone, income from the development of mobile applications is estimated at 17.5 billion euros for 2013, according to a report published by the European Commission
Three weeks after releasing the first version[Telerik Platform], it achieved over 61 thousand registrations. Eight thousand people joined the online presentation of the platform 
و در نهایت پارگراف آخر
مصاحبه ای خواندنی با یکی از بنیانگذاران شرکت Telerik