مقدمه‌ای بر NET MAUI.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9grpBLLNNDE icon

An Introduction to .NET MAUI For Mobile Development

.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) is a cross-platform framework for creating native mobile and desktop apps with C# and XAML.
.NET MAUI is open-source and is the evolution of Xamarin.Forms, extended from mobile to desktop scenarios, with UI controls rebuilt from the ground up for performance and extensibility. If you've previously used Xamarin.Forms to build cross-platform user interfaces, you'll notice many similarities with .NET MAUI. However, there are also some differences. Using .NET MAUI, you can create multi-platform apps using a single project, but you can add platform-specific source code and resources if necessary. One of the key aims of .NET MAUI is to enable you to implement as much of your app logic and UI layout as possible in a single code-base.

0:00 - Setup Visual Studio and MAUI Project
00:16:25 - Create MAUI Pages with C#
00:27:42 - Create MAUI Pages with XAML
00:32:28 - Explore MAUI Layouts
00:39:38 - Static Shared Resources
00:44:36 - Platform Specific Values
00:50:11 - Page Navigation  

مقدمه‌ای بر NET MAUI.
سری 8 قسمتی NET MAUI. برای تازه‌کارها
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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdo4fOcmZ0oUBAdL2NwBpDs32zwGqb9DY icon

.NET MAUI for Beginners
8 videos
.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) is a framework for building modern, multi-platform, natively compiled iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows apps using C# and XAML in a single codebase. In this video series you will learn how to get started with .NET MAUI, C#, and Visual Studio to build your very first cross-platform desktop and mobile app. 

سری 8 قسمتی NET MAUI. برای تازه‌کارها
افزونه NET MAUI Community Toolkit C# Markup Extensions
200, OK
https://codetraveler.io/using-net-maui-community-toolkit/ icon

اگر علاقه ای به توسعه برنامه هایی که با Net MAUI. نوشته خواهند شد با استفاده از XAML ندارید به کمک این افزونه میتوانید همان دستورات را به زبان #C بنویسید.

using System;
using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;
using Microsoft.Maui;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls;
using Microsoft.Maui.Essentials;
using static CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup.GridRowsColumns;

namespace HelloMauiMarkup;

class MainPage : ContentPge
    public MainPage()
        BindingContext = new MainViewModel();

        Content = new Grid
            RowSpacing = 25,
            ColumnSpacing = 0,

            Padding = Device.RuntimePlatform switch
                Device.iOS => new Thickness(30, 60, 30, 30),
                _ => new Thickness(30)

            RowDefinitions = Rows.Define(
                (Row.HelloWorld, 44),
                (Row.Welcome, Auto),
                (Row.Count, Auto),
                (Row.ClickMeButton, Auto),
                (Row.Image, Star)),

            ColumnDefinitions = Columns.Define(
            (Column.Text, Star),
                (Column.Number, Star)),

            Children =
                new Label { Text = "Hello World" }
.Font(size: 32)

                new Label { Text = "Welcome to .NET MAUI Markup Community Toolkit Sample" }
                    .Font(size: 18)

new Label { Text = "Current Count: " }
.Font(bold: true)

new Label()
                    .Font(bold: true)
                    .Bind<Label, int, string>(Label.TextProperty, nameof(MainViewModel.ClickCount), convert: count => count.ToString())

                new Button { Text = "Click Me" }
                .Font(bold: true)

                new Image { Source = "dotnet_bot.png", WidthRequest = 250, HeightRequest = 310 }

    enum Row { HelloWorld, Welcome, Count, ClickMeButton, Image }
    enum Column { Text, Number }

افزونه NET MAUI Community Toolkit C# Markup Extensions
دوره 4 ساعته شروع به کار با NET MAUI.
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuNLR_NJv8U icon
Learn .NET MAUI - Full Course for Beginners | Tutorial for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows in C#
Let's start our journey together to build beautiful native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows with .NET MAUI, C#, and Visual Studio! In this full workshop, I will walk you through everything you need to know about .NET MAUI and building your very first app. You will learn the basics including how to build user interfaces with XAML, how MVVM and data binding simplify development, how to navigate between pages, access platform features like geolocation, optimize data collections, and theme your app for light theme and dark theme. This course has everything you need to learn the basics and set you up for success when building apps with .NET MAUI!

00:00:00 - Intro to the .NET MAUI Workshop
00:04:10 - What is .NET MAUI & How to Install
00:06:25 - Workshop overview
00:08:00 - First .NET MAUI app & Architecture (slides)
00:21:40 - Get code to build your first .NET MAUI app
00:25:00 - .NET MAUI Project Walkthrough
00:29:40 - Start to build first .NET MAUI app
00:56:48 - Intro to MVVM (slides)
01:09:30 - Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged
01:22:30 - .NET Community Toolkit for MVVM (Source Generators)
01:32:30 - HTTP REST Calls & JSON Deserialization
01:43:00 - ICommand in .NET MAUI
01:59:30 - Create our UI with XAML & MVVM
02:16:20 - Navigation in .NET MAUI (slides)
02:25:20 - Implementing Navigation in .NET MAUI & Passing Parameters
02:46:00 - Building a details UI with XAML & MVVM
02:54:10 - Modal, Back Navigation, & More
02:58:20 - Access Platform APIs in .NET MAUI (slides)
03:02:53 - Platform API Integration - Connectivity
03:08:30 - Geolocation & Permissions Implementation
03:18:50 - Open Map Integration
03:22:40 - Platform Specifics - iOS Safe Area
03:25:50 - CollectionView & RefreshView Overview (slides)
03:34:00 - Implementing Pull-to-Refresh
03:40:00 - CollectionView Layouts - Grids and more
03:41:30 - CollectionView EmptyView
03:45:00 - App Resources, Styles, and Themes (slides)
03:56:20 - Implementing Light & Dark Mode
04:06:00 - Thanks, wrap-up, and resources 
دوره 4 ساعته شروع به کار با NET MAUI.