صدور Exception یا بازگشت Result به عنوان خروجی متد، برای رسیدگی به خطاها
200, OK
https://enterprisecraftsmanship.com/2017/03/13/error-handling-exception-or-result/ icon


It’s pretty easy to differentiate use cases for Result and exceptions. Whenever the failure is something you expect and know how to deal with – catch it at the lowest level possible and convert into a Result instance. If you don’t know how to deal with it – let it propagate and interrupt the current business operation. Don’t catch exceptions you don’t know what to do about. 

صدور Exception یا بازگشت Result به عنوان خروجی متد، برای رسیدگی به خطاها
تاثیر بروز استثناءها بر روی کارآیی برنامه
301, MovedPermanently
http://buildplease.com/pages/slow-exceptions/ icon

In order to cleanse the data as we parse it, we thought using a try/catch would be ok. If we don’t catch the exceptions, we’re good, right?
Turns out it kills our performance when we throw a lot of exceptions, even if we don’t catch them. Each exception has some costs . We needed to find a way to handle this data without involving exceptions.
TryParse turns out to be a method designed to solve our problem. We ran some benchmarks to prove it. 

تاثیر بروز استثناءها بر روی کارآیی برنامه