پیاده سازی جستجو با Elastic search در ASP.NET Core
200, OK
https://miroslavpopovic.com/posts/2018/07/elasticsearch-with-aspnet-core-and-docker icon

Elasticsearch یک موتور جست‌وجوی متن باز هست که به زبان جاوا نوشته شده و برای جست‌وجو از کتابخانه معروف Lucene استفاده می‌کند، با این تفاوت که پیچیدگی‌های Lucene رو پشت یک RESTful API ساده و منسجم پنهان کرده است. 

پیاده سازی جستجو با Elastic search در ASP.NET Core
استفاده مایکروسافت ازElasticSearch در TFS Code-Search
301, MovedPermanently
http://bartwullems.blogspot.com/2017/07/team-foundation-server-code-search.html icon

Starting from Team Foundation Server 2017, the Code Search feature that was available for a while in VSTS, gets an on-premise equivalent.
The feature is built on top of a customized version of ElasticSearch. However the integration between the 2 products(TFS and ElasticSearch) is rather limited right now.

استفاده مایکروسافت ازElasticSearch در TFS Code-Search
Full-Text Search در MongoDB
301, MovedPermanently
http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/full-text-search-in-mongodb--cms-24835 icon

MongoDB, one of the leading NoSQL databases, is well known for its fast performance, flexible schema, scalability and great indexing capabilities. At the core of this fast performance lies MongoDB indexes, which support efficient execution of queries by avoiding full-collection scans and hence limiting the number of documents MongoDB searches.

Starting from version 2.4, MongoDB began with an experimental feature supporting Full-Text Search using Text Indexes .
Full-Text Search در MongoDB