تاریخچه‌ی JavaScript از زبان خالق آن
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krB0enBeSiE icon

JavaScript's Creator Brendan Eich Shares The Full Story of JavaScript
Lex Fridman is an AI researcher who’s becoming well known for high quality interviews with some of the greatest minds of our time and here he talks with Brendan Eich about his coding history, JavaScript’s full origin story, the browser wars, and Brave. 

تاریخچه‌ی JavaScript از زبان خالق آن
مقایسه‌ای بین TypeScript و ReScript
200, OK
https://medium.com/att-israel/how-i-switched-from-typescript-to-rescript-637aa5ef8d3 icon

ReScript is not new. In a way it’s as old as JavaScript itself. ReScript is a rebranding of ReasonML (Facebook) and BuckleScript (Bloomberg), which wrap OCaml on both ends. The former is an interface of the OCaml syntax, while the latter makes sure to compile the AST into JavaScript. ReasonML was created by Jordan Walke, the creator of React. ReasonML still exists as a parallel project to ReScript, with a slightly different syntax and mission. 

مقایسه‌ای بین TypeScript و ReScript
ReScript زبان پس از TypeScript؟
308, PermanentRedirect
https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2021/01/rescript-compare-typescript-elm/ icon

In the confusing jungle of transpiler languages for JavaScript, there are some gems. TypeScript is mainstream, ReScript is starting to establish itself, and Elm is still an insider tip. This article takes a detailed look at ReScript – but also sheds light on the limitations of the young language. In what projects does its use make sense? What projects should rather use TypeScript on the one hand or Elm on the other? 

ReScript زبان پس از TypeScript؟