آیا تصمیم تغییر منوی افزونه‌ها در Visual Studio 2019 کار مفیدی بوده‌است؟
200, OK
https://blog.ndepend.com/simplifying-a-visual-studio-extension-menu-a-case-study/ icon

This move adds an extra click for accessing each extension feature. This extra click represents a UI regression for the millions of VS extensions users and de-facto discards features accessible only through a nested sub-menu

آیا تصمیم تغییر منوی افزونه‌ها در Visual Studio 2019 کار مفیدی بوده‌است؟
4.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2019/release-notes-preview?VS2019_RC4#--visual-studio-2019-rc4- icon
  • Telerik UI for WPF controls disabled in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 3 and Preview 4.
  • Unhandled System.OperationCanceledException.
  • We have updated the Dockerfile scaffolding in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes to use the Microsoft Container Registry instead of Docker Hub.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where modifying Dockerfile.develop does not cause the service to be redeployed.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where a service in an Azure Dev Spaces project could fail to start.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where a service in an Azure Dev Spaces project stops running after debugging is stopped in Visual Studio.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where a null reference error dialog is sometimes displayed when picking accounts in the Azure Dev Spaces Dialog.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where the cluster selection dialog is displayed when adding Kubernetes orchestration support. 
4.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد
2.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2019/release-notes-preview?VS2019_RC2#--visual-studio-2019-rc2- icon

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 RC.2

2.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد