ارتقاء Xamarin.Forms به NET Standard.
301, MovedPermanently
https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/XamarinShow/Snack-Pack-15-Upgrading-to-XamarinForms-to-NET-Standard icon

Welcome to The Xamarin Show Snack Pack Edition. A Snack Pack is bite sized episode that is focused on a specific topic and covered in just a few minutes. Today, we take a look at how to manage and upgrade your Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms based applications to target .NET Standard. We also see how to install existing PCL based NuGets into that library. 

ارتقاء Xamarin.Forms به NET Standard.
مقدمه‌ایی بر XAML Standard
301, MovedPermanently
https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/05/19/introducing-xaml-standard-net-standard-2-0/#GmeHJ0REX9FYgaMj.97 icon

XAML Standard is a specification that defines a standard XAML vocabulary. With that vocabulary, frameworks that support XAML Standard can share common XAML-based UI definitions. The goal is for the first version, XAML Standard 1.0, to be available later this year. 

مقدمه‌ایی بر XAML Standard