الگوریتم جدید سایت Stackoverflow برای نمایش پاسخ‌های جدید
301, MovedPermanently
https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/416486/an-a-b-test-has-gone-live-for-a-trending-sort-option-for-answers icon

As we’ve been moving forward on the Outdated Answers project, one of the things that’s been clear is that on questions with multiple answers, we need a way to surface newer answers that may be more current, while reducing the visibility of older answers that may no longer be correct or relevant 

الگوریتم جدید سایت Stackoverflow برای نمایش پاسخ‌های جدید
چند نکته در مورد ساخت image های docker
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vXoMqWgbQQ icon

  1. Use official and verified Docker Images as Base Image 
  2. Use Specific Docker Image Versions 
  3. Use Small-Sized Official Images 
  4. Optimize Caching Image Layers 
  5. Use .dockerignore file 
  6. Make use of Multi-Stage Builds 
  7. Use the Least Privileged User
  8. Scan your Images for Security Vulnerabilities  
چند نکته در مورد ساخت image های docker