MvcHandler و بررسی عمیق نحوه پردازش درخواست ها توسط آن در ASP.NET MVC
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ASP.NET framework

ASP.NET framework is heart of ASP.NET MVC application. Basically, ASP.NET is a request processing engine. It takes incoming request as input and sends it through internal pipeline till the end point. 

MvcHandler و بررسی عمیق نحوه پردازش درخواست ها توسط آن در ASP.NET MVC
طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain
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How you shouldn’t implement base classes

public class Entity<T>

  public T Id { get; protected set; }


Motivation for such code it pretty clear: you have a base class that can be reused across multiple projects. For instance, if there is a web application with GUID Id columns in the database and a desktop app with integer Ids, it might seem a good idea to have the same class for both of them. In fact, this approach introduces accidental complexity because of premature generalization. 

There is no need in using a single base entity class for more than one project or bounded context. Each domain has its unique path, so let it grow independently. Just copy and paste the base entity class to a new project and specify the exact type that will be used for the Id property. 

طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain
پیاده سازی یک Filter سفارشی برای نگاشت استثنای همزمانی به خطاهای MadelState
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 public class HandleConcurrencyExceptionAttribute : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
        private PropertyMatchingMode _propertyMatchingMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// This defines when the concurrencyexception happens, 
        /// </summary>
        public enum PropertyMatchingMode
            /// <summary>
            /// Uses only the field names in the model to check against the entity. This option is best when you are using 
            /// View Models with limited fields as opposed to an entity that has many fields. The ViewModel (or model) field names will
            /// be used to check current posted values vs. db values on the entity itself.
            /// </summary>
            UseViewModelNamesToCheckEntity = 0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Use any non-matching value fields on the entity (except timestamp fields) to add errors to the ModelState.
            /// </summary>
            UseEntityFieldsOnly = 1,
            /// <summary>
            /// Tells the filter to not attempt to add field differences to the model state.
            /// This means the end user will not see the specifics of which fields caused issues
            /// </summary>
            DontDisplayFieldClashes = 2

        public HandleConcurrencyExceptionAttribute()
            _propertyMatchingMode = PropertyMatchingMode.UseViewModelNamesToCheckEntity;

        public HandleConcurrencyExceptionAttribute(PropertyMatchingMode propertyMatchingMode)
            _propertyMatchingMode = propertyMatchingMode;

        /// <summary>
        /// The main method, called by the mvc runtime when an exception has occured.
        /// This must be added as a global filter, or as an attribute on a class or action method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterContext"></param>
        public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
            if (!filterContext.ExceptionHandled && filterContext.Exception is DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                //Get original and current entity values
                DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex = (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)filterContext.Exception;
                var entry = ex.Entries.Single();
                //problems with ef4.1/4.2 here because of context/model in different projects.
                //var databaseValues = entry.CurrentValues.Clone().ToObject();
                //var clientValues = entry.Entity;
                //So - if using EF 4.1/4.2 you may use this workaround
                var clientValues = entry.CurrentValues.Clone().ToObject();
                var databaseValues = entry.CurrentValues.ToObject();

                List<string> propertyNames;

                filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The record you attempted to edit "
                        + "was modified by another user after you got the original value. The "
                        + "edit operation was canceled and the current values in the database "
                        + "have been displayed. If you still want to edit this record, click "
                        + "the Save button again to cause your changes to be the current saved values.");
                PropertyInfo[] entityFromDbProperties = databaseValues.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                if (_propertyMatchingMode == PropertyMatchingMode.UseViewModelNamesToCheckEntity)
                    //We dont have access to the model here on an exception. Get the field names from modelstate:
                    propertyNames = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.Keys.ToList();
                else if (_propertyMatchingMode == PropertyMatchingMode.UseEntityFieldsOnly)
                    propertyNames = databaseValues.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public).Select(o => o.Name).ToList();
                    filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
                    UpdateTimestampField(filterContext, entityFromDbProperties, databaseValues);
                    filterContext.Result = new ViewResult() { ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData };

                UpdateTimestampField(filterContext, entityFromDbProperties, databaseValues);

                //Get all public properties of the entity that have names matching those in our modelstate.
                foreach (var propertyInfo in entityFromDbProperties)

                    //If this value is not in the ModelState values, don't compare it as we don't want
                    //to attempt to emit model errors for fields that don't exist.

                    //Compare db value to the current value from the entity we posted.

                    if (propertyNames.Contains(propertyInfo.Name))
                        if (propertyInfo.GetValue(databaseValues, null) != propertyInfo.GetValue(clientValues, null))
                            var currentValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(databaseValues, null);
                            if (currentValue == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue.ToString()))
                                currentValue = "Empty";

                            filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError(propertyInfo.Name, "Current value: "
                                 + currentValue);

                    //TODO: hmm.... how can we only check values applicable to the model/modelstate rather than the entity we saved?
                    //The problem here is we may only have a few fields used in the viewmodel, but many in the entity
                    //so we could have a problem here with that.
                    //object o = propertyInfo.GetValue(myObject, null);

                filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;

                filterContext.Result = new ViewResult() { ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData };
پیاده سازی یک Filter سفارشی برای نگاشت استثنای همزمانی به خطاهای MadelState
افزونه ای کاربردی جهت ویرایش فایل های T4
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Devart T4 Editor is a powerful Visual Studio add-in for editing T4 templates with syntax highlighting, intellisense, code outlining, and all features of a first-class text editor add-in for Visual Studio. It provides very high performance and makes creating T4 templates easier and faster. As well as ensuring extremely high level of performance, it also speeds up and facilitates the creation of T4 templates. 

افزونه ای کاربردی جهت ویرایش فایل های T4
ساخت ModelValidatorProvider با تغذیه قوانین اعتبارسنجی از فایل های XML
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In this article, we are going to see how we can create a custom ModelValidatorProvider that validates models based upon the rules specified in the xml files and works side-by-side with the other built-in validator providers. 

ساخت ModelValidatorProvider با تغذیه قوانین اعتبارسنجی از فایل های XML
پروژه ای سورس باز برای بهبود کار با ASP.NET WEB API
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WebAPIContrib is a collection of open source projects to help improve your work with ASP.NET Web API. We have divided the projects into a few different categories. For more information on each project, click through to visit the GitHub page. 

پروژه ای سورس باز برای بهبود کار با ASP.NET WEB API
بایندینگ به شیوه ASP.NET MVC در ASP.NET WEB API
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This lets you do things that you can’t do in WebAPI’s default binder, specifically:

  1. ModelBinds everything, including the body. Assumes the body is FormUrl encoded
  2. This means you can do MVC scenarios where a complex type is bound with one field from the query string and one field from the form data in the body.
  3. Allows multiple parameters to be bound from the body. 
بایندینگ به شیوه ASP.NET MVC در ASP.NET WEB API