font-face ایجاد کننده
301, MovedPermanently icon

 The @font-face CSS at-rule allows authors to specify online fonts to display text on their web pages. By allowing authors to provide their own fonts, @font-face eliminates the need to depend on the limited number of fonts users have installed on their computers. Unfortunately different browsers understand differnt font types. This service allows you to generate css rule and font files that makes your font work in all the browsers that support font-face or webfonts. 

font-face ایجاد کننده
بروز رسانی با Microsoft Sync Framework
307, RedirectKeepVerb icon

Sync Framework is a comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration and offline access for applications, services, and devices. Sync Framework features technologies and tools that enable roaming, data sharing, and taking data offline. By using Sync Framework, developers can build synchronization ecosystems that integrate any application with data from any store, by using any protocol over any network. 

بروز رسانی با Microsoft Sync Framework