ثبت وقایع توکار در NET Core.
200, OK
https://www.ttmind.com/TechPost/Built-In-Logging-In-NET-Core icon

For an application, logging is very important to keep track of that application and keep it error-free. In .NET Core, we don't need any third party logging; instead, we can use built-in logging whenever we want. This is very efficient in terms of code and performance.

Let’s start. Create a new .NET Core application and name it. 

ثبت وقایع توکار در NET Core.
بازه‌ها و الگوهای بازگشتی در C# 8
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.infoq.com/articles/cs8-ranges-and-recursive-patterns icon
  • C# 8 Adds Ranges and Recursive Patterns
  • Ranges easily define a sequence of data, replacing the Enumberable.Range()
  • Recursive Patterns brings an F#-like construct to C#
  • Recursive Patterns is an awesome feature, it giving you the flexibility to testing the data against a sequence of conditions and performing further computations based on the condition met.
  • Ranges is very useful to generate sequences of numbers in the form of a collection or a list. 
بازه‌ها و الگوهای بازگشتی در C# 8
کالبدشکافی محدودیت های جنریک جدید در C# 7.3
301, MovedPermanently
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/seteplia/2018/06/12/dissecting-new-generics-constraints-in-c-7-3/ icon

During the last Build conference, Microsoft has announced the next version of Visual Studio with C# 7.3 support. This is yet another minor language update with some quite interesting features. The main change was related to generics, starting from C# 7.3 there 3 more constraints: unmanaged, System.Enum and System.Delegate. 

کالبدشکافی محدودیت های جنریک جدید در C# 7.3
بهترین تمرینها برای ASP.NET Core Web API
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https://code-maze.com/aspnetcore-webapi-best-practices/ icon

In this post, we are going to write about what we consider to be the best practices while developing the .NET Core Web API project. How we can make it better and how to make it more maintainable.

We are going to go through the following sections:

بهترین تمرینها برای ASP.NET Core Web API
استایل دهی به برنامه های Xamarin.Forms با CSS
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https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2018/04/01/styling-xamarin-forms.aspx icon

Some months ago a feature landed in Xamarin.Forms that seemed to truly polarize the Xamarin.Forms community: support for styling applications using CSS. Some argued that it was an unnecessary introduction to "Web" technology to the native development experience, and others that it simply isn't the right solution to the problem.  While I sympathize with the latter opinion and think there's plenty of room for some good debate on the right path forward, I count myself as part of a third camp: I think that CSS is a powerful (and frequently maligned) solution to the problem of styling native mobile applications.

استایل دهی به برنامه های Xamarin.Forms با CSS