آموزش مقدماتی WebGL

WebGL is an in-browser 3D renderer based on OpenGL, which lets you display your 3D content directly into an HTML5 page. Throughout this series I will cover all the essentials you need to get started using this framework. We'll start with an introduction, then we'll be building on to the framework that we used in part one as well as adding a model importer and a custom class for 3D objects. You will also be introduced to animation and controls. Lastly, we’ll take a look at lighting and adding 2D objects to your scene. 

آموزش مقدماتی WebGL
سری چالش یادگیری NET.

Over 40 hours of FREE Learning inside of this awesome collection of 8 Paths and 5 additional bonus modules.

Topics include Basic C# skills, Web API development, Blazor Apps, Static Web Apps, Xamarin and Visual Studio or VS Code 

سری چالش یادگیری NET.
دریافت Visual Studio Community 2017 RC

Visual Studio Community 2017 RC is a free, fully featured, and extensible IDE for individual developers, open source projects, education and academic research. You can create applications for Android, iOS, Windows and the web. Integrated Azure tools make it e 

دریافت Visual Studio Community 2017 RC
PostgreSQL و SQL:2023

In a previous article, I introduced what is new in SQL:2023. Now I want to show the status of SQL:2023 support in PostgreSQL. See the previous article for details on these features. 

PostgreSQL و SQL:2023