کتابخانه EntityFrameworkCore.Cacheable

A high-performance second-level query cache for EF Core.  Nuget Package

Using Example 

   .Include(d => d.Pages).ThenInclude(d => d.Lines).Where(d => d.ID == 200)

Performance Test  

Cacheable vs DataBase

Average database query duration [+00:00:00.0026076].
Average cache query duration [+00:00:00.0000411].
Cached queries are x63 times faster. 

Cacheable vs In-Memory
Average database query duration [+00:00:00.1698972].
Average cache query duration [+00:00:00.0000650].
Cached queries are x2,611 times faster. 
کتابخانه EntityFrameworkCore.Cacheable
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
دوراهی انتخاب NHibernate و Entityframework

ما یک نرم افزار تقریبا بزرگ داریم که قبلا تحت ویندوز نوشته شده.حالا می‌خواهیم تحت وب هم ایجاد کنیم(c#).دیتابیس sql2005  است دیتابیس هم قرار نیست که تغییر کند  چند تا سوال داشتم چون نمیدونم از orm استفاده کنم یا sql queries !

در صورتی کوئری‌های پیچیده داشته باشیم باز هم میشود از orm استفاده کرد؟

سرعت واکشی اطلاعات به چه صورت است؟یعنی به ازای هر select به دیتابیس connectin میزند؟

مروری بر قالب ساخت نصاب در Visual Studio 2019

thanks to a new feature added in Visual Studio 2019 16.1, we can combine the best of both worlds when it comes to support the App Installer technology: the easiness of automatically generating an .appinstaller file as part of the package creation process and the flexibility of the new update features added in Windows 10 1903. 

مروری بر قالب ساخت نصاب در Visual Studio 2019
NET 5.0 Preview 8. منتشر شد

Today, we are releasing .NET 5.0 Preview 8. The .NET 5.0 release is now “feature complete”, meaning that very nearly all features are in their final form (with the exception of bug fixes still to come). Preview 8 is, appropriately, the last preview. We plan on releasing two go-live release candidates before the final .NET 5.0 release in November. This post describes a selection of features across the .NET 5.0 release. 

NET 5.0 Preview 8. منتشر شد
دوره 9 ساعته Clean Architecture + CQRS

Mini Course #1 Clean Architecture + CQRS - YouTube

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:10 - Why do we record this course?
00:04:39 - Layered architecture: Why I don't like it anymore?
00:27:27 - Clean architecture
00:38:16 - Course prerequisites (still can't pronounce it correctly)
00:42:30 - What do we build?
00:45:18 - *Domain Layer*
00:49:57 - Entity
01:00:20 - Primitive obsession code smell
01:03:20 - Value Object
01:10:54 - Custom exceptions
01:33:25 - Domain model validation
01:38:55 - Aggregate
01:50:50 - Domain event
02:14:30 - Factory
02:28:50 - Policy
02:43:50 - Repository
02:48:55 - Domain Layer: Summary
02:56:45 - CQS: Command Query Separation
03:07:46 - CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation
03:29:48 - *Application Layer*
03:30:25 - Command/Command Handler/Command Dispatcher definitions
03:40:45 - Automatic command handlers registration
03:44:12 - Application & Domain registration
03:50:52 - Command
03:55:31 - Command Handler
04:01:11 - Where to put methods related to reading?
04:07:00 - Read Service
04:14:14 - Weather Service
04:28:25 - Overview of the other commands & command handlers
04:34:35 - Query/Query Handler/Query Dispatcher definitions
04:44:37 - Automatic query handlers registration (BONUS: example of copy/paste pattern)
04:52:50 - How to tackle reading on Query side?
05:06:30 - *Infrastructure Layer*
05:07:56 - Configuration of Entity Framework Core
05:15:15 - Read Models
05:19:05 - ReadDbContext & WriteDbContext
05:24:13 - EF Entity Configuration
05:42:37 - DbContexts registration
05:55:51 - Query Handlers
06:12:18 - Repository implementation on top of EF Core
06:16:45 - Read Service implementation on top of EF Core
06:19:00 - Dummy Weather Service implementation
06:23:20 - EF Migration
06:29:50 - Applying EF migrations automatically
06:39:38 - *Presentation Layer*
06:41:35 - Controller
06:50:43 - How to return ID of resource in CQRS approach?
07:00:02 - Testing API
07:09:29 - *Cross Cutting Concerns*
07:09:30 - Error Handling
07:20:49 - Logging
07:34:57 - *Unit Testing*
07:42:34 - Unit Test on Domain Layer
08:09:45 - Unit Test on Application Layer
08:34:00 - Summary 

دوره 9 ساعته Clean Architecture + CQRS