راهنمای ساخت URLهای مناسب

This document covers the best practices and pitfalls for building UI to display URLs in browsers and other apps. It covers the main categories of problems and challenges that we’ve seen in building Chrome. The guidance is intended to be generally applicable, but includes some Chrome-specific notes throughout. 

راهنمای ساخت URLهای مناسب
کتاب C# Code Contracts Succinctly

Developed by Microsoft’s Research in Software Engineering, Code Contracts provide a way to convey code assumptions in your .NET applications. They can take the form of preconditions, postconditions, and state invariants. In C# Code Contracts Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss demonstrates how to use Code Contracts to validate logical correctness in code, how they can be integrated with abstract classes and interfaces, and even how they can be used to make writing documentation less painful.

کتاب C# Code Contracts Succinctly
پیاده سازی معماری تمیز در asp.net core با استفاده از تاپ‌ترین تکنولوژی‌ها و رعایت اصول کدنویسی و معماری نرم افزار

: Technologies used
 Entity Framework Core
 Api Versioning
 Elasticsearch(for writing Logs)

: Software Development Best Practices used
 Clean Architecture
 Clean Code
 Solid Principles
 REST API Naming Conventions
 Use multiple environments in ASP.NET Core(Development,Production,Staging,etc)
 Modular Design
 Custom Exceptions
 Custom Exception Handling
 PipelineBehavior for Validation and Performance tracking
فناوری‌هایی برای مطالعه در سال 2017

- .NET Core
- Node.js
- Docker
- Elasticsearch: A distributed and open source search engine based on Lucene. A blazing fast NoSQL database with replication capabilities, it is the most widely known component of the ELK stack, together with Kibana (for reporting and visualizations), Logstash (for data import) and Beats (for data shipping). Even Azure Search uses it behind the covers. Free but some tools are paid. Get it from http://elastic.co.
- ECMAScript 2015
- Kafka
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Git
- Nginx
- Octopus Deploy
- Azure
- Amazon Web Services
- Linux
- Visual Studio Code
- Xamarin
- Google Analytics
- SQL Server 2016
- Let’s Encrypt
- TensorFlow
- GitLab
- Redis 

فناوری‌هایی برای مطالعه در سال  2017
الگوهای طراحی، الگوهای رفتاری [Behavioral Design Patterns] (مقاله سوم)
طی ماه‌های اخیر مجموعه ای سه گانه از مقالات الگوهای طراحی در Code Project منتشر شده‌اند.
قسمت اول - الگوهای سازنده (Best C# article of July 2012 - Best overall article of July 2012)
قسمت دوم - الگوهای ساختاری

الگوهای طراحی، الگوهای رفتاری [Behavioral Design Patterns] (مقاله سوم)
لیست تغییرات در Visual Studio

 This post explains some of our plans for evolving our architecture and design tools in Visual Studio, including new capabilities and changes to existing capabilities that we will be delivering in the next major release and subsequent updates

لیست تغییرات در Visual Studio