50 نکته برای توسعه‌ی بهتر برنامه‌های مبتنی بر Angular

The Top 50 Tips for Better Angular Development

This article dives into essential tips and best practices that will help you enhance your Angular development skills. Whether you're a seasoned Angular developer or a beginner, these insights will help optimize your applications, improve code quality, and leverage Angular’s features effectively.

50 نکته برای توسعه‌ی بهتر برنامه‌های مبتنی بر Angular
چه درس‌هایی را از هک شدن Twitter می‌توان گرفت؟
Implement notifications (ideally, both email and phone push notifications) for every critical operation in the account lifecycle (email change, password reset, turn off two-factor authentication, account linking). Rather than picking and choosing, if it’s critical, it’s best just to protect it.
چه درس‌هایی را از هک شدن Twitter می‌توان گرفت؟
DSDM چیست؟
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an organized, common-sense process focused on delivering business solutions quickly and efficiently. It is similar in many ways to SCRUM and XP, but it has its best uses where the time requirement is fixed.  
DSDM چیست؟
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
مثالی از کاربرد واژه‌ی dynamic جهت جایگزین کردن آن با DTOs
مطلب تکمیلی 
dynamic type 
Pros: This approach reduces the need to modify static ViewModel classes whenever you update the SQL sentence of a query, making this design approach pretty agile when coding, straightforward, and quick to evolve in regard to future changes.
Cons: In the long term, dynamic types can negatively impact the clarity and the compatibility of a service with client apps. In addition, middleware software like Swashbuckle cannot provide the same level of documentation on returned types if using dynamic types. 

ViewModel (DTO) 
Pros : Having static predefined ViewModel classes, like “contracts” based on explicit DTO classes, is definitely better for public APIs but also for long term microservices, even if they are only used by the same application.
If you want to specify response types for Swagger, you need to use explicit DTO classes as the return type. Therefore, predefined DTO classes allow you to offer richer information from Swagger. That improves the API documentation and compatibility when consuming an API.
Cons : As mentioned earlier, when updating the code, it takes some more steps to update the DTO classes.  
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A new take on the age-old question: Should you rewrite your application from scratch, or is that “the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make”? Turns out there are more than two options for dealing with a mature codebase. 

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The latest version of the NetBeans IDE features a range of new tools for HTML5/JavaScript and supports mixed Java/C++ development. It is now available for download in beta.

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hello world با asp.net 5 و aurelia

The purpose of this post isn’t to give an exhaustive tour of Aurelia features, but to show a simple Aurelia application running in ASP.NET 5 and demystify some of the tools you’ll commonly see used with Aurelia.  

hello world با asp.net 5 و aurelia