معرفی Relay و GraphQL

Data fetching for React applications

What is Relay? 

Relay is a new framework from Facebook that provides data-fetching functionality for React applications. It was announced at React.js Conf (January 2015).

What is GraphQL? 

GraphQL is a data querying language designed to describe the complex, nested data dependencies of modern applications. It's been in production use in Facebook's native apps for several years. 

معرفی Relay و GraphQL
کتاب رایگان WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly

WPF allows you to build modern desktop applications for Windows, and part of building an application is debugging code and optimizing performance. In Alessandro Del Sole’s WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly, you will learn how to debug a WPF application by leveraging all the powerful tools in Visual Studio, including the most recent additions that allow you to investigate the behavior of the UI at runtime. Also, you will learn how to analyze and improve an application’s performance in order to provide your customers with the best possible experience and thereby make them happy.

Table of Contents
  1. Debugging WPF Applications
  2. Stepping Through Code
  3. Working with Debug Windows
  4. Debugger Visualizers and Trace Listeners
  5. XAML Debugging
  6. Analyzing the UI Performances
  7. Analyzing the Application Performances 
کتاب رایگان WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly
بررسی ASP.NET Identity

ASP.NET Identity is a totally rewritten framework that brings the ASP.NET membership system into the modern era. 

بررسی ASP.NET Identity
پیاده سازی Material Design Stopwatch, Alarm and Timer
Use the modern Materialize framework, together with jQuery , jQuery Timepicker and Hammer.js for touch events. Materialize turns the plain looking standard HTML input fields into these awesome Android-like switches and check boxes. It also adds the the on-click wave ink effect as it has Waves.js included in it’s package.  Demo
پیاده سازی Material Design Stopwatch, Alarm and Timer
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از چندین Context در EF 6 Code first
با سلام
من از  EF 5 dbfirst  به صورت Context ‌های جداگانه در پروژه‌های وب جدا استفاده کردم و در نهایت تمامی این assembly ‌ها را در یک وب سایت publish  می‌کنم . در صورتی که از یک Entity  به صورت مشترک در 2 context  استفاده کرده باشم با خطای زیر
 System.Data.MetadataException: Schema specified is not valid. Errors: 
 Multiple types with the name 'Customer' exist in the EdmItemCollection in different 
namespaces .  Convention based mapping requires unique names without regard to namespace in the EdmItemCollection
مواجه میشم . با اینکه Assembly ‌های مربوط به Context‌ها متفاوت هست اما با این خطا روبرو میشم . آیا قابلیت گفته شده در EF 6  این مشکل برطرف شده است ؟ و یا در ef 5  راهکاری برای این مشکل وجود ندارد ؟
با تشکر
رکورد های سی شارپ چگونه زندگی مرا تغییر خواهد داد

Immutability comes with a lot of benefits, but sometimes it can be a bit cumbersome to deal with when you only want to update some properties. Since the object is immutable, you need to create a copy with all the existing values and the new updated one.

I will show you how Records in C# 9 will greatly simplify this

رکورد های سی شارپ چگونه زندگی مرا تغییر خواهد داد
معرفی سایت React.dev

React.dev is a new website launched by the React team that serves as the new home for React and its documentation. The site teaches modern React with function components and Hooks, and includes diagrams, illustrations, challenges, and over 600 new interactive examples. 

معرفی سایت React.dev
چرا از آنگولار به ری اکت + ری داکس سوئیچ کردم!

 It’s a library. And therefore you can attach any javascript library of your choice as add-ons

State Management is more flexible

JSX syntax blends well together with javascript

Faster learning curve

Modern Web Development is challenging and the way we develop web apps are now different than before

You can reuse components effortlessly because they’re all just pure functions

چرا از آنگولار به ری اکت + ری داکس سوئیچ کردم!