NET 6 Release Candidate 2. منتشر شد

We are excited to release .NET 6 Release Candidate 2. It is the second of two “go live” release candidate releases that are supported in production. For the last couple months, the team has been focused exclusively on quality improvements. There are a lot of new features in the release, which only fully come together near the end. The team is currently validating end-to-end workflows to find the places where design intentions and technical reality don’t yet fully match. That’s led to teams tightening leaky pipes and paving paths all the way to their destination. 

NET 6 Release Candidate 2. منتشر شد
تقویم شمسی AngularJS

A clean, flexible, and fully customizable persian date picker. User can navigate through months and years. The datepicker shows dates that come from other than the main month being displayed. These other dates are also selectable.

تقویم شمسی AngularJS
کتابخانه Multi-Step-Form-Js

Multi Step Form with jQuery validation  Demo

  • utilizes jquery validation (with or without jquery unobtrusive validation) to validate the form at each step.
  • contains customizable header step classes to distinguish between active, complete, and incomplete steps.
  • triggers custom change events with relevant step data for custom processing (e.g. updating progress bars)
npm install multi-step-form-js
کتابخانه Multi-Step-Form-Js
Visual Studio 2017 15.6 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2017 15.6 منتشر شد
آشنایی با NodeJS و MongoDB

Node.js is a rapidly growing technology that has been overtaking the world of server-side programming with surprising speed. MongoDB is a technology that’s revolutionizing database usage. Together, the two tools are a potent combination, thanks to the fact that they both employ JavaScript and JSON. 

آشنایی با NodeJS و MongoDB
نظرات مطالب
بازنویسی سطح دوم کش برای Entity framework 6
ظاهرا در حالت Lazy Loading زمانی که آبجکتی از کش لود میشه، پراپرتی‌های Navigation استثنای زیر را صادر میکنن:
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection 
تیکه کدی که این ارور رو بر میگردونه:
var userInRoles = user.UserInRoles.Union(user.UsersSurrogate.Where(a => a.SurrogateFromDate != null && a.SurrogateToDate != null && a.SurrogateFromDate <= DateTime.Now && a.SurrogateToDate >= DateTime.Now).SelectMany(a => a.UserInRoles));
  result = userInRoles.Any(a => a.Role.FormRoles.Any(b => b.IsActive && (b.Select && b.Form.SelectPath != null && b.Form.SelectPath.ToLower().Split(',').Contains(roleName))));

بهبود کارآیی و کاهش مصرف حافظه‌ی Stack Overflow با ارتقاء از NET 4.6.2. به NET 5.0.

"We migrated Stack Overflow's ad server from .NET 4.6.2 to .NET 5.0 and we are testing it on a canary server in production. We are seeing big improvements in memory usage and in server response times. It wasn't the main goal of the migration, but definitely a nice to have" / Twitter 

بهبود کارآیی و کاهش مصرف حافظه‌ی Stack Overflow با ارتقاء از NET 4.6.2. به NET 5.0.