کتابخانه fontfaceonload

A simple utility to execute a callback when a webfont loads.  Demo

This uses the CSS Font Loading Module when available (currently in Chrome 35+ and Opera 22+). When that isn’t available, it uses a very similar approach to the one used in the TypeKit Web Font Loader (which is currently 7.1KB GZIP).

Basically, it creates an element with a font stack including the web font and a default serif/sans-serif typeface. It then uses a test string and measures the dimensions of the element at a certain interval. When the dimensions are different than the default fallback fonts, the font is considered to have loaded successfully.

If you’d like a full polyfill for the CSS Font Loading Module, follow along with Bram Stein’s Font Loader. I believe the specification has changed since he launched this polyfill, but he’s working on an updated version. 

کتابخانه fontfaceonload
Automapper به بنیاد NET. پیوست.

AutoMapper has been a popular library in the .NET open source community for a long time. As their site says:

AutoMapper is a simple little library built to solve a deceptively complex problem - getting rid of code that mapped one object to another. This type of code is rather dreary and boring to write, so why not invent a tool to do it for us? 

Automapper به بنیاد NET. پیوست.
کتابخانه perfect-scrollbar

Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin  Demo

perfect means...

  • There should be no css change on any original element.
  • The scrollbar should not affect the original design layout.
  • The design of the scrollbar should be (nearly) fully customizable.
  • If the size of the container or the content changes, the scrollbar size and position should be able to change.
  • New! It should work with vanilla JavaScript and major tools like NPM or Browserify.
کتابخانه perfect-scrollbar
انتشار nuget 3.3

Big news: a new version of the NuGet clients has been released! This is version 3.3 of the client, with a new command-line and Visual Studio 2015 extension available for use. 

انتشار nuget 3.3
Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها

Sometimes, in order to get rapid feedback, it’s useful to throw together a prototype that has literally nothing going on in the backend, but lets the user get a sense of how the application would flow. The problem, of course, is that once users see such a thing, they can’t always tell the difference between smoke and mirrors and the real thing. 

Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript

یک CMS تجاری بزرگ با قابلیت‌های زیر

A modular, service based web application model
Code generator to produce initial services / user interface code for an SQL table
T4 based code generation on server to reference script widgets with intellisense / compile time validation
T4 based code generation to provide compile time type safety and intellisense while calling AJAX services from script side.
An attribute based form definition system (prepare UI in server side with a simple C# class)
Automatic seamless data-binding through form definitions (form <-> entity <-> service).
Caching Helpers (Local / Distributed)
Automatic cache validation
Configuration System (storage medium independent. store settings in database, file, whatever...)
Simple Logging
Reporting (reports just provide data, has no dependency on rendering, similar to MVC)
Script bundling, minification (making use of Node / UglifyJS / CleanCSS) and content versioning (no more F5 / clear browser cache)
Micro ORM (also Dapper is integrated)
Customizable handlers for REST like services that work by reusing information in entity classes and do automatic validation.
Attribute based navigation menu
UI Localization (store localized texts in json files, embedded resource, database, in memory class, anywhere)
Data Localization (using an extension table mechanism helps to localize even data entered by users, like lookup tables)
Script widget system (inspired by jQueryUI but more suitable for C# code)
Client side and server side validation (based on jQuery validate plugin, but abstracts dependency)
Audit logging (where CDC is not available)
System for data based integration tests
Dynamic scripts
Script side templates 
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript
15 تکنیک سودمند CSS
  you have been a frontend web developer for a while, there is a high chance that you have had a moment when you were trying to find out how to code something and realised after a bit of googling, that "there is CSS for that". If you hadn’t, well you are about to. 
15 تکنیک سودمند CSS