کتابخانه mesing

meSing.js is a JavaScript singing synthesis library that uses the Web Audio API's DSP capabilities in conjunction with the meSpeak.js speech synthesis library to provide a vocal synthesizer for the web. First, the lyrics with corresponding MIDI notes are parsed and fed to meSpeak.js; the resulting text-to-speech output is then converted into a series of AudioBufferSourceNodes, which are subsequently processed and adjusted for pitch, rhythm, and expression.  Demo

کتابخانه mesing
نظرات مطالب
React 16x - قسمت 7 - ترکیب کامپوننت‌ها - بخش 1 - ارسال داده‌ها، مدیریت رخ‌دادها
 این استاندارد HTML 5 هست. در این استاندارد اگر یک attribute یا ویژگی به صورت boolean تعریف شود، اگر بدون مقدار ذکر شود، مقدار آن true بازگشت داده خواهد شد. البته این نکته فقط در مورد booleanها است. اگر از ویژگی‌های خاصی مانند data-checked استفاده کنید و مقداری برای آن ذکر نشود، مقدار انتساب داده شده‌ی به آن، یک رشته‌ی خالی خواهد بود.
A number of attributes are boolean attributes.
The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value,
and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.
انتشار Windows Forms Designer مخصوص NET Core.

We just released a GA version of .NET Core 3.0 that includes support for Windows Forms and WPF. And along with that release we’re happy to announce the first preview version of the Windows Forms Designer for .NET Core projects! 

انتشار Windows Forms Designer مخصوص NET Core.
2.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.9.2:

2.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
مدرسه هوش مصنوعی

Dive in and learn how to start building intelligence into your solutions with the Microsoft AI platform, including pre-trained AI services like Cognitive Services and Bot Framework, as well as deep learning tools like Azure Machine Learning, Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, and Cognitive Toolkit. Our platform enables any developer to code in any language and infuse AI into your apps. Whether your solutions are existing or new, this is the intelligence platform to build on.  

مدرسه هوش مصنوعی