کتاب C# Succinctly

The code for this book is based on C# v6.0 and runs in Visual Studio 2015

کتاب C# Succinctly
تگ های ناشناخته تر HTML5
 At the moment there are a total of 142 HTML elements standardized by W3C excluding the ones in the initial phases of standardization and those that went obsolete. That said, it is possible to miss or forget few of them that can be useful when needed. 
تگ های ناشناخته تر HTML5
شاید مایکروسافت با واتس آپ روی اپلیکیشنی از نوع UWP کار کنند

WhatsApp for Windows Phone is one of the few apps on Windows 10 Mobile today that continues to receive frequent updates from its developer. Unfortunately, the app itself is one based on Silverlight, which is what apps built for Windows Phone 8.1 used back in 2014. This means the app isn't a Universal Windows Platform app (UWP,) and as such doesn't run across all the different Windows 10 platforms and devices available today. 

شاید مایکروسافت با واتس آپ روی اپلیکیشنی از نوع UWP کار کنند
ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار

OWASP’s Top 10 Risk List is an important tool for security engineers and compliance analysts. It describes the 10 worst security problems that are found in web and mobile applications today. But, on its own, it’s not much help to developers, so OWASP has come up with a list of 10 things that you can do as a developer to make sure that your code is safe and secure. 

ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار
کامپوننت WPF Designer

Since October 2015, the WPF designer from SharpDevelop has been a standalone component that can be re-used in any application that needs to integrate a XAML designer. That component is now free of dependencies.

کامپوننت WPF Designer
ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1.1 منتشر شد

ReSharper’s shell loading has been optimized to decrease Visual Studio’s startup time. Now it is faster, and we have mostly got rid of the Visual Studio yellow notification about the slowness of starting up ReSharper. There is still a yellow box about total u 

ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1.1 منتشر شد
ASP.NET Core 2.0 منتشر شد

The ASP.NET team is proud to announce general availability of ASP.NET Core 2.0.  This release features compatibility with .NET Core 2.0, tooling support in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3, and the new Razor Pages user-interface design paradigm.  For a full list of updates, you can read the release notes.  The latest SDK and tools can be downloaded from https://dot.net/core. Read the .NET Core 2.0 release announcement for more information and watch the launch video on Channel 9.

ASP.NET Core 2.0 منتشر شد
روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core
  • Use BindAttribute on the action method 
  • Use [Editable] or [BindNever] on the model 
  • Use two different models 
  • Use a base class 
  • Use ModelMetadataTypeAttribute 
  • Explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> 

This was a very quick run down of some of the options available to you to prevent mass assignment. Which approach you take is up to you, though I would definitely suggest using one of the latter 2-model approaches. There are other options too, such as doing explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> but the options I've shown represent some of the most common approaches. Whatever you do, don't just blindly bind your view models if you have properties that should not be edited by a user, or you could be in for a nasty surprise.

And whatever you do, don't bind directly to your EntityFramework models. Pretty please. 

روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core
Xamarin Live Player - VS 2017 version 15.4 & 15.5 فوق العاده

Last week Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4 and VS for Mac 7.2 were released into the stable channel. They include the very first release of the Xamarin Live Player capabilities in Visual Studios. This means you can simply update Visual Studio, turn on Xamarin Live Player (Preview), and get started visualizing your mobile apps with nothing more than VS and your iOS or Android device! 
Xamarin Live Player - VS 2017 version 15.4 & 15.5 فوق العاده