مسیر راه EmberJS 2.0

This is not a big-bang rewrite; we will continue development on the master branch, and roll out changes incrementally on the 1.x release train. The 2.0.0 release will simply remove features that have been deprecated between now and then. Our goal is that you can move your Ember app to 2.0 incrementally, one sprint at a time. 

مسیر راه EmberJS 2.0
انتشار PostSharp 6.0 RC

PostSharp 6.0 is the biggest refactoring since the 2.0 version released in July 2010. For a good cause: PostSharp 6.0 now runs natively in .NET Core 2.0. Previous versions of PostSharp executed only under .NET Framework at build time and the support for .NET Core was achieved by using a load of hacks that ended up being unmaintainable, warranting this big refactoring.

Let’s have a look at the new features of PostSharp 6.0 :

  • Support for .NET Core 2.0-2.1 and .NET Standard 2.0.
  • Support for Portable PDB.
  • Support for C# 7.2.
  • Ending the PostSharp versioning hell side-by-side: backward compatibility within the same major version.
  • Logging: robustness to faults in the logging subsystem.
  • Logging: no need to initialize before the first logged method is hit.
  • Caching: preventing concurrent execution (locking).
  • Visual Studio tooling: support for the new CPS-based project systems.
  • GDPR compliance: we no longer collect your name and email for trial, nor use unsecure HTTP, nor use non-resettable user id hashes. 
انتشار PostSharp 6.0 RC
ابزاری برای weaving .net assemblies
Manipulating the IL of an assembly as part of a build requires a significant amount of plumbing code. This plumbing code involves knowledge of both the MSBuild and Visual Studio APIs. Fody attempts to eliminate that plumbing code through an extensible add-in model.  
ابزاری برای weaving .net assemblies
13.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
13.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
کار با فایل‌های اکسل در برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core توسط کتابخانه‌ی EPPlus.Core

This post shows how to import and export .xls or .xlsx (Excel files) in ASP.NET Core. And when thinking about dealing with excel with .NET, we always look for third-party libraries or component. And one of the most popular .net library that reads and writes Excel 2007/2010 files using the Open Office Xml format (xlsx) is EPPlus. However, at the time of writing this post, this library is not updated to support .NET Core. But there exists an unofficial version of this library EPPlus.Core which can do the job of import and export xlsx in ASP.NET Core. This works on Windows, Linux and Mac. 

کار با فایل‌های اکسل در برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core توسط کتابخانه‌ی EPPlus.Core
13 ویژگی برتر ASP.NET Core که لازم است بدانید

ASP.NET is one of the most successful web application development frameworks by Microsoft. With every update, new and extended features are added that help developers deploy highly scalable and high-performance web applications.

When coupled with application monitoring and other performance tools, such as a profiler, ASP.NET becomes a powerful solution for building incredible apps.

Within the framework itself, there are myriad features to help you overcome common development challenges, do more with your apps, and boost performance. 

13 ویژگی برتر ASP.NET Core که لازم است بدانید
لیستی از ابزار ها و فریم ورک های تست

This is a list of Automated Testing Frameworks for .NET related to methodologies and types of tests:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
  • Specification by Example (SBE)
  • Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
  • Property-Based Testing (PBT)
  • Unit \ Integration \ Acceptance \ Specification \ etc. Tests 
لیستی از ابزار ها و فریم ورک های تست
سری چالش یادگیری NET.

Over 40 hours of FREE Learning inside of this awesome collection of 8 Paths and 5 additional bonus modules.

Topics include Basic C# skills, Web API development, Blazor Apps, Static Web Apps, Xamarin and Visual Studio or VS Code 

سری چالش یادگیری NET.