Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
  • VS is more responsive when running Git operations.
  • Debugging large solutions with /debug:fastlink PDBs is more robust. Changes in the PDB/DIA lead to reduced latency and a 30% reduction in heap memory consumption in the VS debugger that used to cause crashes.
  • C++ compiler bugfixes:
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer incorrectly sinking a function call past a store to a variable used in a __finally handler.
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer sometimes incorrectly analyzing memory loads from locations with negative offsets.
    • Fix for the optimizer incorrectly transforming a pre-incremented loop into a post-incremented loop. This was found compiling the ICU project.
  • Microsoft bumped up the Java™ Development Kit 8 to Update 172 (JDK version 8u172). 
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
ساخت داکیومنت تعاملی برای #C توسط Try .NET

Try .NET is an interactive documentation generator for .NET Core. 

Use Try .NET to create executable C# snippets for your websites or, interactive markdown files that users can run on their machine. 

Try .NET execute C# code in client side using Blazor and Web Assembly. 


ساخت داکیومنت تعاملی برای #C توسط Try .NET
کلاس های Mixin در Typescript 2.2

A mixin class is a class that implements a distinct aspect of functionality. Other classes can then include the mixin and access its methods and properties. That way, mixins provide a form of code reuse that is based on composing behavior. 

کلاس های Mixin در Typescript 2.2
روش مهاجرت از Moq به NSubstitute

Unit testing is an integral part of modern software development. For years, Moq has been a popular choice in the .NET ecosystem for creating mock objects. Recent concerns over Moq’s SponsorLink feature have prompted some developers to consider such a switch. In this article, we delve into why you might consider NSubstitute over Moq and how to make the transition. 

روش مهاجرت از Moq به NSubstitute
تست جوئل برای برنامه نویس‌ها

The Joel Test is great for software development shops and for programmers that are interested in quickly evaluating a company’s software development environment, but what about a Joel Test for actual programmers? 

تست جوئل برای برنامه نویس‌ها
شروع به کار با SignalR Core

At this moment, there is a 0.2.0 alpha version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Server that makes it possible to use SignalR with an ASP.NET Core application 

شروع به کار با SignalR Core
بررسی تغییرات ASP.NET Core 2.1.0-preview2

Today we’re very happy to announce that the second preview of the next minor release of ASP.NET Core and .NET Core is now available for you to try out. This second preview includes many refinements based on feedback we received from the first preview we released back in February. 

بررسی تغییرات ASP.NET Core 2.1.0-preview2
نیازمندیهای یک پروژه ASP.NET Core Web API, Part 1 - Serilog

Why Serilog? It is easy to set up, has a clean API, and is portable between recent .NET platforms. The big difference between Serilog and the other frameworks is that it is designed to do structured logging out of the box. Another thing I really like about Serilog is that it can be configured via the appsetting.json file alongside configuring through code. Changing logging configuration without touching the codebase is really helpful, especially in the production environment. 

نیازمندیهای یک پروژه ASP.NET Core Web API, Part 1 - Serilog
NuGet 3.4 منتشر شد

The NuGet team is happy to introduce version 3.4 and 3.4.1 of the NuGet clients for Visual Studio 2015. 

NuGet 3.4 منتشر شد
بررسی ساختار فایل gitattributes.

There is a lesser know .gitattributes file that can control a bunch of Git settings that you should consider adding to almost every repository as a matter of course. 

بررسی ساختار فایل gitattributes.