نمودار های کتابخانه D3js
D3.js  is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.  D3  helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern   
نمودار های کتابخانه D3js
من عاشق Entity Framework هستم ‍!

I love Entity Framework. I also like (not love) nHibernate. That’s right, as a DBA and data professional, I’m telling you I love Object/Relational Mapping tools (ORM). I think this is a technology set that the DBA needs to more tightly embrace. Let me tell you why. 

من عاشق Entity Framework هستم ‍!
بررسی وضعیت کتابخانه‌ی Moq

Moq is a mocking library for .NET Unit Testing (cue the TDD folks reminding us mocks are unnecessary), and it is by far the most widely used mocking library in .NET (475 million downloads vs 87 million for the next largest, NSubstitute). Yesterday, its author released version 4.20.1; which added nagware and a backdoor to Moq, in a bid to drive up paid usages of Moq through ‘Sponsorships’. 

بررسی وضعیت کتابخانه‌ی Moq
در چه شرایطی از برنامه نویسی ناهمزمان استفاده کنیم ؟

:When to use Async/Await

There are basically two scenarios where Async/Await is the right solution
I/O-bound work: Your code will be waiting for something, such as data from a database, reading a file, a call to a web service. In this case you should use Async/Await, but not use the .Task Parallel Library
CPU-bound work: Your code will be performing a complex computation. In this case, you should use Async/Await but spawn the work off on another thread using Task.Run. You may .also consider using the Task Parallel Library

در چه شرایطی از برنامه نویسی ناهمزمان استفاده کنیم ؟
طراحی و پیاده سازی Domain Events در DDD
In short, domain events help you to express, explicitly, the domain rules, based in the ubiquitous language provided by the domain experts. Domain events also enable a better separation of concerns among classes within the same domain. It's important to ensure that, just like a database transaction, either all the operations related to a domain event finish successfully or none of them do. Domain events are similar to messaging-style events, with one important difference. With real messaging, message queuing, message brokers, or a service bus using AMQP, a message is always sent asynchronously and communicated across processes and machines. This is useful for integrating multiple Bounded Contexts, microservices, or even different applications. However, with domain events, you want to raise an event from the domain operation you are currently running, but you want any side effects to occur within the same domain. The domain events and their side effects (the actions triggered afterwards that are managed by event handlers) should occur almost immediately, usually in-process, and within the same domain. Thus, domain events could be synchronous or asynchronous. Integration events, however, should always be asynchronous.
طراحی و پیاده سازی Domain Events در  DDD
پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs

A simple yet organized project template for building ASP.NET Core APIs in .NET Core 3.1

Tools and Frameworks Used

  • .NET Core 3.1
  • ASP.NET Core - For building RESTful APIs
  • Dapper - For data access.
  • AutoMapper - For mapping entity models to DTOs.
  • AutoWrapper - For handling request Exceptions and consistent HTTP response format.
  • AutoWrapper.Server - For unwrapping the Result attribute from AutoWrapper's ApiResponse output.
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - For securing API documentation.
  • FluentValidation.AspNetCore - For Model validations
  • Serilog.AspNetCore - For logging capabilities
  • IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation - For JWT Authentication handling
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly - For handling HttpClient Resilience and Transient fault-handling
  • AspNetCoreRateLimit - For controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an external API based on IP address or client ID.
  • AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For performing health checks
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For getting the results of Health Checks in the application
  • AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI - For Health Status visualization
  • xUnit and Moq - For unit testing.  

پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs
NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد

Today we released .NET 7 Preview 5. This preview of .NET 7 includes improvements to Generic Math which make the lives of API authors easier, a new Text Classification API for ML.NET that adds state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for natural language processing, various improvements to source code generators and a new Roslyn analyzer and fixer for RegexGenerator and multiple performance improvements in the areas of CodeGen, Observability, JSON serialization / deserialization and working with streams. 

NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد
سری D3 in Depth

D3 is the most commonly used JavaScript library for visualization on the web, but there’s a bit of learning curve, especially for those new to programming. 

سری D3 in Depth
کتابخانه vibrant.js
Extract prominent colors from an image. Vibrant.js is a javascript port of the awesome Palette class in the Android support library.  Demo
کتابخانه vibrant.js