بررسی NET CLI.

.NET Core is a set of runtime, library and complier components. Microsoft uses these components in various configurations for device and cloud workloads. You can do the same for your app or service 

بررسی NET CLI.
راهنمای Net Core.

.NET Core is a set of runtime, library and compiler components. Microsoft uses these components in various configurations for device and cloud workloads. You can do the same for your app or service. 

راهنمای Net Core.
Webpack 5 منتشر شد

webpack is arguably the most popular bundler right now and this is the first major release in over two years. We get big improvements to caching (and therefore performance), reduced bundle sizes with better tree shaking, and a variety of breaking changes to prepare for the future (automatic Node polyfills are gone, for one). 

Webpack 5 منتشر شد
EFCore 5.0 Preview 6 منتشر شد

Today, the Entity Framework Core team announces the sixth preview release of EF Core 5.0. This release includes split queries for related collections, a new “index” attribute, improved exceptions related to query translations, IP address mapping, exposing transaction id for correlation, and much more. 

EFCore 5.0 Preview 6 منتشر شد
کتابخانه star-rating
The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery JavaScript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes.
کتابخانه star-rating
اعتبارسنجی IOptions توسط کتابخانه MiniValidation

In this post I described the problem that by default, DataAnnotation validation doesn't recursively inspect all properties in an object for DataAnnotation attributes. There are several solutions to this problem, but in this post I used the MiniValidation library from Damian Edwards. This simple library provides a convenience wrapper around DataAnnotation validation, as well as providing features like recursive validation. Finally I showed how you can replace the built-in DataAnnotation validation with a MiniValidation-based validator

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

    .ValidateMiniValidation() // 👈 Replace with mini validation

var app = builder.Build();
  DataAnnotation validation failed for 'MySettings' member: 'Nested.Value' with errors: 'The Value field is required.'.; 
  DataAnnotation validation failed for 'MySettings' member: 'Nested.Count' with errors: 'The field Count must be between 1 and 100.'.
Microsoft.Extensions.Options.OptionsFactory<TOptions>.Create(string name)

اعتبارسنجی IOptions  توسط کتابخانه MiniValidation
انتخاب ساختار داده مناسب در حل مشکلات

Data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer. The developer must choose the appropriate data structure for better performance. If the developer chooses bad data structure, the system does not perform well. This article explains the each data structure advantages and usage. 

انتخاب ساختار داده مناسب در حل مشکلات
OpenIddict 4.0 منتشر شد

the most visible change of this release is the addition of the new client stack and its 17 web providers that aim at offering an alternative to the aspnet-contrib providers (additional services will be added in future versions of OpenIddict) 

OpenIddict 4.0 منتشر شد
تغییرات پردازش مسیرهای طولانی در NET 4.6.2.

In 4.6.2 we will no longer throw PathTooLongException if we see a path that is >= MAX_PATH. If the OS doesn’t like it we’ll surface PathTooLong, but we won’t second guess what the OS will do. This enables you to use extended long paths and, if the OS would let you, regular long paths. 

تغییرات پردازش مسیرهای طولانی در NET 4.6.2.