کتابخانه drum

Drum is a little library for building URIs to ASP.NET Web API actions, using direct routes and lambda expressions. It provides an alternative to the UrlHelper class. Instead of requiring a route name and a set of name-value pairs, Drum allows the creation of URIs using actions invocations.

// using UrlHelper 
var uri1 = _urlHelper.Link("GetPaged", new { page = 0, count = 10 });

// using UriMaker
var uri2 = _uriMaker.UriFor(c => c.GetPaged(0, 10));

where GetPaged is a Web API controller action

public class ResourceController : ApiController
    [Route("", Name="GetPaged")]
    public HttpResponseMessage GetPaged(int page, int count) {...}

کتابخانه drum
مقایسۀ ماژول های داخلی و خارجی TypeScript

We have done Javascript development for quite a few years and we are quite proficient at it as a team. Still there is room for improvement. We really dislike the syntax of the revealing module pattern and we love strongly typed languages for the compile time checks it provides

مقایسۀ ماژول های داخلی و خارجی TypeScript
بررسی استراتژی های نسخه بندی با رویکردهای Monorepos و Polyrepos در GitLab

The two most important topics I want to focus on in this post are:

  • Repository Management
  • Versioning Strategy

We have different options for each of them: You can go with Monorepos or Polyrepos for hosting your code, and you can pick different versioning methods like Semantic Release, Manual Versioning, Global Versioning, etc. I'll talk about each of them in the next sections. 

بررسی استراتژی های نسخه بندی با رویکردهای Monorepos و Polyrepos در GitLab
کتابخانه DotSpatial

DotSpatial is a geographic information system library written for .NET Framework. It allows developers to incorporate spatial data, analysis and mapping functionality into their applications or to contribute GIS extensions to the community.

DotSpatial provides a map control for .NET and several GIS capabilities including:

  • Display a map in a .NET Windows Forms.
  • Open shapefiles, grids, rasters and images.
  • Render symbology and labels.
  • Reproject on the fly.
  • Manipulate and display attribute data.
  • Scientific analysis.
  • Read GPS data. 
کتابخانه DotSpatial
مقایسه (sortable Guid)GUID , UUID

Pros and cons of Database identity
Nice to work with in URLs
Limiting, as they require a trip to the database, which precludes some patterns
Can be tricky to return IDs when inserting in some cases (EF Core etc solves this)
Can cause contention in high throughput scenarios. May make scaling out impossible

مقایسه  (sortable Guid)GUID , UUID
8 ویژگی جذاب Angular

I've been doing some work the last couple of weeks with Angular2. I really like it. Not just because it uses typescript, but also because it feels really natural and straightforward while working with it. No more string based dependency injection, or strange digest cycle stuff, it just seems to work. This last week I've migrated our beta-13 Angular app to the latest rc-1, and used that to keep track of the fun and easy stuff Angular 2 provides. Note though, that the application we're developing is really that complex, so I can only assume we'll run into more complex Angular2 features in the near future. For now, though, let me share some general tips and tricks we've encountered thus far (in no particular order). Oh, all examples are in typescript, since after using that, I really don't want to go back to plain old javascript (POJS?). 

8 ویژگی جذاب Angular
معرفی Stack only json deserialization

The StackOnlyJsonParser combines the System.Text.Json library with C# 9 code generators to allow for fast and GC-friendly JSON deserialization. 

معرفی Stack only json deserialization
سری آموزشی Vue.js 3

Vue.js 3 Tutorial for Beginners
Vue.js is a popular javascript framework for building user interfaces. The core Vue library is focussed on doing one thing and doing that one thing really well which is building user interfaces. Vue currently has 175000 github stars on its repo which makes it the third most starred github repository in the world. 

سری آموزشی Vue.js 3
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
One of the more awesome things I like about being a .NET developer is LINQ. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a fluent query interface implemented in the .NET framework. It helps you query, sort and order any type of collection. This is a very neat way of querying arrays, lists, dictionaries, objects, etc. I’ve made 5 examples which run out of the box with Node.js (or io.js). You can also use the library for browser based JavaScript projects.
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
سایتی رسمی TypeScript

TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to.

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source. 

سایتی رسمی  TypeScript