کتابخانه drum
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https://github.com/pmhsfelix/drum icon

Drum is a little library for building URIs to ASP.NET Web API actions, using direct routes and lambda expressions. It provides an alternative to the UrlHelper class. Instead of requiring a route name and a set of name-value pairs, Drum allows the creation of URIs using actions invocations.

// using UrlHelper 
var uri1 = _urlHelper.Link("GetPaged", new { page = 0, count = 10 });

// using UriMaker
var uri2 = _uriMaker.UriFor(c => c.GetPaged(0, 10));

where GetPaged is a Web API controller action

public class ResourceController : ApiController
    [Route("", Name="GetPaged")]
    public HttpResponseMessage GetPaged(int page, int count) {...}

کتابخانه drum