لیست اکران‌های نوروزی MIX09

MIX09 | Web Design and Development Conference

PostgreSQL 17 منتشر شد
PostgreSQL 17 Released — The big one is here. It's the newest major version of Postgres, and it takes a bigger step forward than even v16. Some of what’s new:
  • Overhauled memory management for vacuuming, resulting in significantly lower memory usage and running time. More on this here.
  • Incremental backup support.
  • Faster B-tree index scans.
  • MERGE enhancements, including view support.
  • New functions to extract elements from UUIDs.
  • WAL improvements – up to 2x write throughput on some workloads.
  • Improvements to SQL/JSON support, including JSON_TABLE.
  • Bulk loading improvements and perf improvements for COPY which gains the ON_ERROR ignore option to ignore errors.
  • Identity columns on partitioned tables.
PostgreSQL 17 منتشر شد
کنترل امن استثنائات کنترل نشده در زبان های #C و VB.NET

Unhandled exceptions are a bit of a misnomer. In .NET, every exception is handled. By the time you access the specifics of an error in your Try-Catch block, the Framework has already analyzed the problem, built a structure to contain its details, examined the stack trace, and used reflection to pinpoint the location of the error, among other mundane tasks. In short, when errors occur, .NET serves them up to your code in a neatly packaged, highly examinable data block.

کنترل امن استثنائات کنترل نشده در زبان های #C و VB.NET
سایت NET Core Show.

Each episode has a set of show notes - in the form of a blog post on this site. And each set of show notes has an embedded player, which will allow you to listen to the episode via the show notes. 

سایت NET Core Show.
نصب سریع postgresql در سیستم عامل ubuntu

PostgreSQL, or Postgres, is a relational database management system that provides an implementation of the SQL querying language. It’s standards-compliant and has many advanced features like reliable transactions and concurrency without read locks.

This guide demonstrates how to quickly get Postgres up and running on an Ubuntu 20.04 server, from installing PostgreSQL to setting up a new user and database. If you’d prefer a more in-depth tutorial on installing and managing a PostgreSQL database, see How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 20.04. 

نصب سریع postgresql در سیستم عامل ubuntu
ویژگی Image Tag Helper در MVC 6.0
<img src="~/images/logo.png" 
     alt="company logo" 
     asp-file-version="true" />

 which will generate something like this:
<img src="/images/logo.png?v=W2F5D366_nQ2fQqUk3URdgWy2ZekXjHzHJaY5yaiOOk" 
     alt="company logo"/>

The value of the v parameter is calculated based on the contents of the image file. If the contents of the image change, the value of the parameter will change. This forces the browser to download the new version of the file, even if the old version was cached locally. This technique is often called cache busting.
ویژگی Image Tag Helper در MVC 6.0