کنترل امن استثنائات کنترل نشده در زبان های #C و VB.NET
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https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2016/11/01/handle-unhandled-visual-basic-and-c-exceptions.aspx icon

Unhandled exceptions are a bit of a misnomer. In .NET, every exception is handled. By the time you access the specifics of an error in your Try-Catch block, the Framework has already analyzed the problem, built a structure to contain its details, examined the stack trace, and used reflection to pinpoint the location of the error, among other mundane tasks. In short, when errors occur, .NET serves them up to your code in a neatly packaged, highly examinable data block.

کنترل امن استثنائات کنترل نشده در زبان های #C و VB.NET