برگزاری dotnetConf 2016

Immerse yourself in the world of .NET and join our live stream for 3 days of free online content June 7 - 9 featuring speakers from the .NET Community and Microsoft product teams.

Learn to develop for web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET! We'll have presentations on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, C#, F#, Roslyn, Visual Studio, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Xamarin, and much more. 

برگزاری dotnetConf 2016
کتابخانه 101

1) 101 will be maintained to minimize overlap with vanilla JS.

  • 101 utils are made to work well with vanilla JS methods.
  • 101 will only duplicate vanilla JS to provide functional programming paradigms or if the method is not available in a widely supported JS version (currently ES5).
  • Underscore/lodash - duplicates a lot of ES5: forEach, map, reduce, filter, sort, and more.

2) No need for custom builds.

  • With 101, import naturally, and what you use will be bundled.
  • Each util method is a module that can be required require('101/<util>').
  • Currently node/browserify is supported, I will add other module system support on request.
  • Underscore/lodash is large, and you have to manually create custom builds when if you're trying to optimize for size. 
کتابخانه 101
نظرات مطالب
بازسازی جدول MigrationHistory با کد نویسی در EF Code first
در خط
 var scaffolder = new MigrationScaffolder(configuration);
با خطای زیر مواجه شد:
The Entity Framework provider type 'System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' for the 'System.Data.SqlClient' ADO.NET provider could not be loaded. Make sure the provider assembly is available to the running application. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=260882 for more information.

ضمنا آیا اسمبلی مربوط به EF6 را نمی‌توان بجز نیوگت از روش دیگری بدست آورد.؟
همچنین EF Power Tools  مربوط به EF6 را از کجا می‌توان تهیه کرد؟
رکورد های سی شارپ چگونه زندگی مرا تغییر خواهد داد

Immutability comes with a lot of benefits, but sometimes it can be a bit cumbersome to deal with when you only want to update some properties. Since the object is immutable, you need to create a copy with all the existing values and the new updated one.

I will show you how Records in C# 9 will greatly simplify this

رکورد های سی شارپ چگونه زندگی مرا تغییر خواهد داد
نظرات مطالب
T4MVC : یکی از الزامات مدیریت پروژه‌های ASP.NET MVC
من در پروژم Controller ها رو در یک لایه و View‌ها را در لایه‌ی دیگری دارم. از T4MVC هم در لایه‌ی Controller استفاده کردم. اما بعد از زدن Run Custom Tool مسیرهایی که منتهی به یک view میشه ساخته نمیشه و Error میده! (آنهایی که RedirectToAction هستند به درستی ساخته می‌شه)

VDoc.Web.Controllers.TopicController.ViewsClass' does not contain a definition for '_Edit' and no extension method '_Edit' accepting a first argument of type 'VDoc.Web.Controllers.TopicController.ViewsClass' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

آیا برای استفاده از T4 در لایه‌های مختلف باید کار خاصی انجام بدم؟
چند نکته درباره HTML

A while ago I wrote an article with some CSS tips, now it’s time to give some polish to our HTML! In this article I’ll share some tips and advice about HTML code. Some of this guidance will be best suited for beginners – how to properly build paragraphs, use headings, or improve forms, but we will also discuss SVG sprites for icons, a somewhat more advanced topic. 

چند نکته درباره HTML
معرفی reposhub

A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software 

معرفی reposhub
Rider 2018.3 منتشر شد

Rider 2018.3 comes with Code Vision, Rename Project refactoring, and the Assembly Explorer window. It provides support for remote debugging via SSH, Launch Settings and SQL language injections in C# code. This release improves C#, VB.NET, F#, TypeScript language support, and Angular framework support. 

Rider 2018.3 منتشر شد